Recent content by kychickengal

  1. kychickengal


    My hen has a crooked toe and on the side where her toe bends she has a black scab. At first I thought it was something stuck but when I tried to pull it off it seemed to hurt her. The next day the black was gone but now, about two weeks later it is back. Is this bumblefoot? If so, what should I...
  2. kychickengal

    Frostbite prevention questions

    I have never seen the windows fog up, I sometimes go check around midnight, then again in the morning. I can remove the drop ceiling. Not sure I can lower the roost without it being a big project but will as soon as I can. Thanks for the help!
  3. kychickengal

    Frostbite prevention questions

    I would guess 6"-8" if they are standing. Obviously more if hunkered down.
  4. kychickengal

    Frostbite prevention questions

    The ventilation is about 3 1" gaps above their head, plus the door. Above the drop roof is the slanted roof, which is about 5 inches taller in the front. The front vents are closed, but the side vents are "triangle" shapes are open. What do you suggest I do to rectify it? Remove one of the drop...
  5. kychickengal

    Frostbite prevention questions

    7 birds (6 standard, 1 bantam if that matters) 6"x4"x4" high draft free, I have a drop roof in for winter to allow ventilation. There are a few "gaps" between the plywood pieces in the drop ceiling to allow humidity, etc to rise and exit. The pop door is generally open but to reduce draft I have...
  6. kychickengal

    Frostbite prevention questions

    I have 7 chickens and for the first time this winter I am having problems with frostbite. When the coop was built this fall, I included lots of ventilation, vents that can be closed in winter to eliminate drafts, but others that are open, above their head. Plus their door, which I don't close as...
  7. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    Thanks guys, they are all from the same group of birds, so I assume they are all EEs. That was what I assumed when I got them. Appreciate the input on the sex, will post more pics in a week or two for better info.
  8. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    Thanks for the info. The three with the cockerel comb have very tiny tails at this point, the four with no obvious comb have the long straight tails like the second one I pictured. I'm hoping they aren't all cockerels.
  9. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    Thanks. If the suspicions are correct I have 3 cockerels and was hoping to re-home ASAP. Guess I'll be waiting a little longer, unless the general consensus is that the top one (and the other two with that much comb) are definitely cockerels and we are just waiting on the pullets to be...
  10. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    At what age will it be easier to determine sex in EE's?
  11. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    First three pictures are of one, 2nd three pictures are a different one.
  12. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    Michael, they are very different looking, but I can understand at this age they could be very hard to determine. What are you basing that opinion on? I would love to know what to look for.
  13. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    Thanks. I assumed they were EE's. I have 3 like the one above and 4 like the one below. They are vastly different, with the comb apparent on 3 and nonexistent on 4. They are going on 7 weeks and I have been able to see a difference since 3 weeks.
  14. kychickengal

    Ameraucana or EE, pullet or rooster?

    I have several 6 week old chicks, not positive of breed but they were hatched from light blue/green eggs. I am wondering if they are pullets or roosters. Three look the same, comb and tail-wise, and the other four look different, but they all look alike. I am thinking some are roosters and some...
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