Recent content by LAllen1118

  1. LAllen1118

    I’m going to send you detailed information, as it was too long to post on here! :) I hope this...

    I’m going to send you detailed information, as it was too long to post on here! :) I hope this information helps in some way! Please write me again if you have any questions whatsoever! I’m more than happy to help :)
  2. LAllen1118

    Hey there! I’m not quite sure which toe problem you’re asking about! Are you finding cuts?

    Hey there! I’m not quite sure which toe problem you’re asking about! Are you finding cuts?
  3. LAllen1118

    Strange legs on duck

    Nutrena All flock is a good feed! Our 4 are actually on this feed with a combination of other Nutrena feeds (Layer and Healthy Hen I believe). Though, I have recently found that specific feed, All-Flock, has a very low concentration of several necessary vitamins and minerals. Niacin was one of...
  4. LAllen1118

    Strange legs on duck

    In order of photos: Silver Appleyard, Black Swedish (background), and potentially a Blue Swedish who forgot their bib or a Blue Indian Runner, who forgot the running part [posture is more horizontal than vertical](foreground, I’m looking at the feet and bill colors)! That grey is a lovely color...
  5. LAllen1118

    Comment by 'LAllen1118' in article 'How To Incubate & Hatch Chicken Eggs - Just 21 Days From Egg To Chicken!'

    What angle do you shine the light in? From the top of the egg or through the bottom. And do you sit the egg bottom or top on the TP tube?
  6. LAllen1118

    Callused duck foot?

    Sorry! Old thread, I know! @katefollot , did you get a resolution to this situation? I have a duck going through a similar ailment on her right foot.. We know she has some calluses, but this crack/cut is really throwing us for a loop as far as a root of the cause (it’s not swollen, but a...
  7. LAllen1118

    Bumble foot or weird calluses.

    I know this is a very old thread, but @lilmizscareall , did you ever discover what happened? I have a duck going through something exactly like what you’ve mentioned... We have discussed everything from dry/cracked skin, to cut from something in the yard. We are confident in saying it’s not...
  8. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    Did your case look similar to what was pictured in this thread?
  9. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    Thank goodness we have a pair of booties on their way. I’m sure she’d appreciate walking on nice padding compared to the hard ground. I wouldn’t curse a broken toe on anyone. Poor girl walks fine, but favors it.
  10. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    That’s what I thought! There is minor scabbing in that recent photo which means at least something is happening:ya She’ll still be getting that spa I promised! Nice warm bath and foot rub! Man that’s the life... :celebrate
  11. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    Oh Lordy! :lau
  12. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    Will do! Thank you! :frow:hugs
  13. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    We made her a little “isolation” pen in our basement which she’s been staying in (which has made her quite the house-duck! Hah!) It is very makeshift.. but works!
  14. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    Hah! This time it really was the computer, I swear it! :p the screen froze and blacked-out!
  15. LAllen1118

    Duck foot injury on 3/29/19

    Edited my post some! Sorry! She still does favor the foot, but not as severely as before. The limping is nearly gone! This is so odd :barnie
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