Recent content by Lark60

  1. Lark60

    Is Tonton a pullet or cockerel?

    My buff Cochin is supposed to be a pullet. 9 weeks old.
  2. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    Hello everyone. It’s been awhile since I was online. These past few months have been Interesting at my place. The coronavirus isolation was easy for me since I have PTSD and prefer to stay home with my girls. I picked up several new customers for eggs. Then one of my girls died suddenly. Olive...
  3. Lark60

    Are these blue splash Phoenix chickens or self blue old English bantams

    I was sold a pair of chickens that were listed as 6 week old blue splash Phoenix. I heard the cockerel crow this morning and took a closer look at the birds. The cockerel has saddle feathers. I think they are not 6 weeks. More like 14 weeks. And the size is too small for a Phoenix. I suspect...
  4. Lark60

    Phoenix Chicks 5 weeks old

    Correction. The Brahmas are 10 months old
  5. Lark60

    Phoenix Chicks 5 weeks old

    These birds are very small if they are that old. They are the size of a dove. My Brahmas are 6 months old for comparison
  6. Lark60

    Phoenix Chicks 5 weeks old

    That makes sense. The cockerel crowed for the first time this morning
  7. Lark60

    Phoenix Chicks 5 weeks old

    I have a pair of Phoenix that I recently bought for my daughter. I was told they are blue splash Phoenix pullet and cockerel and are 6 weeks old. Can you tell if they are as listed?
  8. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    My Polish chicken laid her first egg today! (Finally). It’s pink! The white egg is from the store (for comparison) I also had to chase a hawk away from my flock this afternoon. It came to perch on my Tombstone rose and the chickens didn’t see it till I chased it off.
  9. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    TSC had the chicks.
  10. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    I have my first egg!! Petunia (EE/PR) sang loud and clear and I went to check the nests. She laid it in the coop under the nests. Now if the 2 polish pullets would start laying. They are 10 days older than Petunia.
  11. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    My Dark Brahma pullets love to sit in the garden soil. They take turns.
  12. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    The double yolker? Only one chick developed in the double yolk egg and it was a quitter at 2 week of incubating.
  13. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    Well I have finished my experiment of hatching fresh and refrigerated fresh eggs. My sister gave me a carton of 12 eggs that were washed and refrigerated (collected over the prior 3 days) and 5 eggs she collected that same morning. I was curious about the stories of hatching refrigerated eggs...
  14. Lark60

    Arizona Chickens

    Well today the first hatchling came last night at 11:30pm. 19th day for this batch and from a green egg. So the hen is an EE. The chick has feathered feet so the Roo is my sisters cuckoo maran!
  15. Lark60

    Early pipping at day 19!

    I put 16 eggs in lockdown yesterday and today I have 2 eggs that have pipped! It’s only day 19. The incubator temp was 99-100 degrees during the incubating for the first 17 days. I hope the chicks will be developed. The lines on the egg are to locate veins
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