Recent content by lauren alex

  1. lauren alex


    Last night I went out to close the coop and a 6 mo old Orpington was missing. Couldn't find her. Still not around this morning! Showed up around noon missing tail feathers with a chunk out of her poor bloody tail! I cut a tube sock down each side to within 3 inches of the toe. Put the toe over...
  2. lauren alex


    So I've had a fox wipe out 14 of my chickens, I was free ranging but that had to stop, anyways I want to get my chickens back out ASAP, I'm wondering if anyone has had success with electric poultry fencing? [/quot
  3. lauren alex

    Bleeding from vent

    I just looked up peckout. I noticed she was coughing before I went on vacation. My bird sitter said the others were keeping her away from food. When I got home she had neck feathers pecked off and when I cleaned up her bottom, there were a few feathers pecked off around the vent. Do you think...
  4. lauren alex

    Bleeding from vent

    This bird is a beautiful LFSLW that was very expensive. The others were $1.98 and are just fine. Isn't that just the luck? She is also the sweetest bird in my 6 bird flock. I noticed more white poop on her feathers than the other girls had about a month ago so I gave her a bath and she looked...
  5. lauren alex

    Bleeding from vent

    My Wyandotte pullet ( not laying yet) started coughing a week ago. Yesterday she started walking funny and laying down a lot. Today she is bleeding ( a lot) from her vent. I have soaked her in warm water four times this week. Today the tub was full of blood. I cleaned her up and she dripped...
  6. lauren alex

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Continued: I named them Merlot, Cabernet, etc. I love those beautiful birds and had no idea how much fun they would be! Well, I have a raccoon problem and one night a couple weeks ago I heard the nasty ruckus and chickens were scattered all over the neighborhood, but still alive! I fortified the...
  7. lauren alex

    The Wyandotte Thread

    In the spring I had lunch with the girls and had some wine. I've always wanted chickens, so under the influence, I bought lovely gold laced Wyandottes
  8. lauren alex

    Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

    I also have a 2500 sq ft garden on a nearby farm and I can and freeze a whole freezer full and 300 jars of garden produce. I'm a great cook and a fresh egg is a small culinary miracle!
  9. lauren alex

    Official BYC Poll: Why Do You Have Chickens - Select All That Apply

    I watched "Food Inc" read Barbara Kingsolver, Joel Salatin, Michael Pollen, Elliot Coleman. I want to be independent of big box food stores. I want to be more self sufficient. I want to know what I'm eating. I enjoy the process. It's really simple to feed yourself; big business has made it...
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