Recent content by laurenbeautyroo

  1. laurenbeautyroo

    My goose has a tremor round the neck

    Hi So tonight when I went to put away my geese and ducks and I noticed that my male goose's neck was tremoring and shaky. It hasn't done this before I have had him 4 years. I don't know how old he is as he is a rescue. I am going to ring the vet tomorrow but does anyone know what it might be...
  2. laurenbeautyroo

    Lone male after female died

    I have unfortunatly lost my female goose today after a very swift illness, less than 24 hours after I noticed she was acting a bit strange. I don't know what was wrong with her as she had died before the vet could get out to me. I only had two geese so now I have a lone male. This female was...
  3. laurenbeautyroo

    Banty had a fit? Clenching

    Also I removed everything from the hut she's in at night which is where it happened and I found a frog/toad. Don't know if it could be that. There was three other bantys in with her and they are all fine. I have removed the frog.
  4. laurenbeautyroo

    Banty had a fit? Clenching

    Update This morning went down to check on her and she had buried herself in some straw. I got her out and her eyes were closed not moving but she was breathing. Took her to the house so she was warm and because I didn't know what was wrong have her some baytril which was only thing I had. Kept...
  5. laurenbeautyroo

    Banty had a fit? Clenching

    I've just been to check on her and she seems to have a pulsating area on her neck to one side. Never seen anything like it. Would being bitten cause something like this?
  6. laurenbeautyroo

    Banty had a fit? Clenching

    This afternoon whilst I was filling water up one of my bantys had a really strange turn. She starting whizzing round and round in circles. It lasted for about a minute. She then stood in one place for about 15 minutes and didn't move. She was breathing very heavily. I have just checked on her...
  7. laurenbeautyroo

    Worlds cutest mutant chicken

    Oh no hope she hasn't got leucosis. She never really grew which was strange. Some of my chickens have pale faces some don't! I'm scared. I will get a supplement for them.
  8. laurenbeautyroo

    Worlds cutest mutant chicken

    Hi I wanted to show pictures of one of my chickens. Her name is Diedre. Her mum is a bantam with a bit of silkie I think and her dad was a bantam as well. She is absolutely tiny compared to them. She also has an extra toe on each foot!
  9. laurenbeautyroo

    Can someone help bantams eye scabbed over

    Thank you all for your help. She is slightly improved today the eye is open but very matted and swollen. I think she had something stuck in it so will see how she is tomorrow
  10. laurenbeautyroo

    Can someone help bantams eye scabbed over

    No she wasn't bubbly round the eye at all! I've got some metacam and baytril should I try her on some of that?!
  11. laurenbeautyroo

    Can someone help bantams eye scabbed over

    This is her other eye which is closed in the pic but she can open it
  12. laurenbeautyroo

    Can someone help bantams eye scabbed over

    Can someone help my bantam chick 3-4 months old eye was like this this morning. She was fine yesterday not ill etc. she is with 3 little chicks younger and smaller than her so I don't think they have hurt her. Not sure what to do the vets here aren't used to chickens any advice please
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