Recent content by LaurieL

  1. LaurieL

    Grinding egg shells

    How fine should I grind egg shells to give my chickens for calcium on a scale of 1 - 5 with 1 being powder and 5 being about 1/2” flakes?
  2. LaurieL

    2018 Babies!

    I have 12 Speckled Sussex on order, 10 females, 2 males, to arrive mid-April. My first ever!
  3. LaurieL

    Wool hen, but maybe snow?!?!

    It rarely gets below 10* here even at night in the winter. I have chicks ordered to arrive mid-April. They will be in a brooder inside the (6’x8’) coop. For the brooder, I got an extra large wire dog crate around which I’ll put a wide strip of cardboard to keep out drafts. I plan on using a...
  4. LaurieL

    Comment by 'LaurieL' in article 'Mites & Lice Treatment And Prevention'

    I’m all about prevention, prevention, prevention as this seems a whole lot easier than treating an infestation. I’m going to use sand as litter in both the coop and run and plan on incorporating diatomaceous earth in both, also sprinkling some under the bedding in the nesting boxes. I also plan...
  5. LaurieL

    Comment by 'LaurieL' in article 'Winter-Coop-Temperatures'

    Thank you for so much good information! I plan on having a cold-hardy breed (Speckled Sussex), my coop is uninsulated, it has a working cupola on the gabled roof for ventilation, and it rarely gets below 10* here, but I’m going to use sand for litter and I’m more concerned it will retain cold...
  6. LaurieL

    Comprehensive list of poisonous plants and trees

    Absolutely! Thanks so much!
  7. LaurieL

    Comprehensive list of poisonous plants and trees

    I'm looking for a safe shrub/bush with a wide spread to provide shelter the chickens can run to if hawks come near, and maybe provide treats for them. I've found a type of wild rose that puts out plentiful rose hips. Anyone know if these are safe for chickens?
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