Recent content by LCSlezinger

  1. LCSlezinger

    Chickens and You Garden

  2. LCSlezinger

    Thinking of Getting Started!

    Thanks everyone. It seems like I am going to have to wait until we have our own house and a large yard to get chickens. I was really getting used to the idea. Oh well. Thanks everyone for all of your help! Your comments have been so appreciated!
  3. LCSlezinger

    How Much Does it Cost You for Organic Chicken Feed?

    Everyone THANK you so much!!! Your help is SO appreciated. I am so glad to know all the different options for the feeding. I will check all those resources out.
  4. LCSlezinger

    Chickens and You Garden

    Thanks so much everyone! sounds like I'd need to net off the container garden, and that yes, they would destroy my grass. We were looking to get about a dozen chickens. (For 4 dozen eggs per week) Honestly, since it's a rented house, if they really will destroy the grass I don't know...
  5. LCSlezinger

    Chickens and You Garden

    Hello everyone, I am new to the idea of chicken raising and have been helped so much by all of your input thus far. A couple things are giving me trouble though: 1)My container garden Our backyard isn't acres, but we live on a slight hill and it seems spacious to me. It is 97% grass except...
  6. LCSlezinger

    How Much Does it Cost You for Organic Chicken Feed?

    Wow thanks so much everyone! I think I am getting hooked to the idea of having my own chickens. Someone mentioned getting my own grains and making a mix...I have access to bulk grains through a co op- would these have to be ground in a mill? I am really wanting to do this, but I am feeling...
  7. LCSlezinger

    How Much Does it Cost You for Organic Chicken Feed?

    Thanks a lot guys. Any tips on locating a local supplier? How do you get yours made for you?
  8. LCSlezinger

    How Much Does it Cost You for Organic Chicken Feed?

    We live in Kansas City, MO. Do you do organic feed for your chickens, and if so, how much is it for you? I am trying to see if I can get a general figure...basically anything under $50 would mean I would definitely do it!
  9. LCSlezinger

    How Much Does it Cost You for Organic Chicken Feed?

    Hello everyone, I am new here and thinking of raising some backyard chickens! I am thinking of doing it because I think it would be fun, but also to potentially save money. We eat about 4 dozen eggs per week and spend about $50 a month on organic, free range eggs from a local farm. If I had...
  10. LCSlezinger

    Thinking of Getting Started!

    My garden will just be in pots on the patio. I'd have to keep them away from it somehow? The grass dies every fall when it gets cold, anyway, I guess what he would want to know, will they do any permanent damage?
  11. LCSlezinger

    Thinking of Getting Started!

    Thanks a lot for the link to the ordinances for Kansas City. can you guys help me translate this? Basically, I'm wondering...this means 1)they are allowed 2) but, they have to be kept 100 feet from the nearest neighboring house? And 3) Can I let them out the pen to roam around free...
  12. LCSlezinger

    Thinking of Getting Started!

    If I don't get roosters, will I have that issue? (Loudness)
  13. LCSlezinger

    Thinking of Getting Started!

    Thanks a lot! Yeah, we currently pay $3.50 a dozen for fresh organic eggs from a local family farm. It sounds like it would be significantly cheaper over the long run to have our own! I think I had visions of being woken at 5 a.m. to loud chickens which I obviously don't want! We get up...
  14. LCSlezinger

    Thinking of Getting Started!

    Thank you both very much! Will that $10 cost for food, to last 3-4 weeks, be applicable if I want to raise the chickens organically, i.e. without any antibiotics in the feed, etc? Some other questions I have thought of! 1) How can I find out if they are even allowed in my city? (Kansas City...
  15. LCSlezinger

    Thinking of Getting Started!

    Hello All, I found this website through Mother Earth News magazine. My family and I live in K.C., Missouri. We have a large backyard, although we live in a suburban area. Anyway, we eat a LOT of eggs (about 4 dozen a week) and I was wondering if it might be a good idea to raise our own...
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