Recent content by lilchicklets2

  1. lilchicklets2

    Upside down and now stumbling

    This is 4 of them. Hanging out with the chickens.
  2. lilchicklets2

    Upside down and now stumbling

    I think you are right about the being upside down for too long. But why does she lay down everywhere she goes? This is the bruise on her leg
  3. lilchicklets2

    Upside down and now stumbling

    I'm not sure what that is but I will post a pic as soon as I can
  4. lilchicklets2

    Upside down and now stumbling

    about half an hour
  5. lilchicklets2

    Upside down and now stumbling

    Hi everyone. So I have a small flock of 7 ducks. When I came home this afternoon one of my welsh was upside down in the pen. I right-sided her up but since then she has just been stumbling around. I also noticed a red mark on one of her legs. I would attribute it to the bruise except since she...
  6. lilchicklets2

    Abandoned ducklings...What to do? *pic added!!!

    ohhhh they are so cute!!!!!!!!!!! Malllards, I would guess?
  7. lilchicklets2

    Dont you always?

    I'm gona throw in my two cents here. i think that's fantastic that you veteran duck raisers know all this stuff about ducks. I go on these post just to get your advice. But you need to give us rookies a break. I (like many others) did hours if not days, not five minutes of research, on these...
  8. lilchicklets2

    Evacuation with flock

    Its so interesting to hear duck owners from all over North America. Wild fires and hurricanes even tornados are rarely an issue up here. we do have snowstorms that take two days to dig out of. Its funny how people (and ducks) adapt.
  9. lilchicklets2

    I have a question

    My duck just stopped laying too. She's also molting. I was concerned that something tramatic happened to her but i feel better knowing it's just the molting
  10. lilchicklets2

    can you name this breed of duckling? :]

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!! Seriously people like you deserve a medal.
  11. lilchicklets2

    Duck socializing concern. They HATE me!

    I got two call ducks awhile ago. I was concerned because they were scared to death of me. These poor ducks had never even had water to put their heads in. I even had to dust them for mites. The female had to have neospurn on her everyday and I had to dig out the gunk from the drakes nose. I...
  12. lilchicklets2

    3 week old Speckled Sussex gender? UPDATE: 7 week old pics!

    Thank you for the update. Its so disappointing when ppl dont
  13. lilchicklets2

    Emergency!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I agree with a heating pad or a hot water bottle till you can get to the store. If your that concerned wrap them in a towel and bring them with you to keep them warm. Whats the worst they're going to say? "get your chicks out of our store"
  14. lilchicklets2

    PLEASE help my poor call ducks

    OMG!!!! I love them!!!! They are all so beautiful!!! How is her disposition? I love that they have separate pools!! LOL!!! Spoiled much? How about the other ducks in one of those pictures. Were those mallards? How many ducks do you have all together? Looks like a lot. Now I'm even more...
  15. lilchicklets2

    PLEASE help my poor call ducks

    I was sitting with them for awhile and they would just stare at me like I was nuts. A couple days ago I turned around and there was a HUGE spider on the wall I HATE spiders so I havnt hung out with them in a couple days. But now that I know all these treats they like I'm gona suck it up and...
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