Recent content by Lili623

  1. Lili623

    Can you help me ID & gender

    You’re welcome. I hope it helped.
  2. Lili623

    Can you help me ID & gender

    It was a little difficult to get her picture. She didn’t want to stay still. 😆
  3. Lili623

    Can you help me ID & gender

    Hello, Honestly, she’s still pretty small and her curly feathers seem more straighten now (like a normal silkie) but she still has time to grow. I’ll see if I can get a picture later on today. ☺️
  4. Lili623

    Can you help me ID & gender

    Any idea about the breed of silkie for the last two babies? I’m not sure...
  5. Lili623

    Can you help me ID & gender

    Thank you! Yes, I believe it’s too early, just trying to sharpen my observational skills. Thank you so much! I will post another picture of the combs, and maybe again in a few weeks. I appreciate your help. 😄
  6. Lili623


    Hello, it’s in this thread :
  7. Lili623


    Hello, and thank you. While trying to edit I made a new post. 😓 The newer post has all the pictures. Very sorry! Lisa
  8. Lili623

    Can you help me ID & gender

    Sorry! I accidentally made more then one thread. I don’t know how that happened but I apologize.
  9. Lili623

    Can you help me ID & gender

    Hello everyone :frow I have 6 silkies, and I have no clue what sex they are at this point. The first two are 3 months and the other four are only 5 weeks. I know they’re all still too young but I’ve been watching them and trying to guess. It’s actually a fun sport I’d say.🤣 Would anyone like to...
  10. Lili623


    Hello everyone :frow I have 6 silkies, and I have no clue what sex they are at this point. The first two are 3 months and the other four are only 5 weeks. I know they’re all still too young but I’ve been watching them and trying to guess. It’s actually a fun sport I’d say.🤣 Would anyone like to...
  11. Lili623

    Is there a cat chat thread? If not, this now is one!

    My elegant little princess.
  12. Lili623

    3/4 of my hens died

    You’re very welcome! I hope it helps!
  13. Lili623

    Hello everyone I’m a newbie here 🐔🐔🐥🐥

    Hello and welcome! Beautiful chickens you have there. ☺️ I live silkies!
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