Recent content by Lillianellis

  1. Lillianellis

    Dry Pox, bad case

    What can I do to help this hen? Dry pox is going through my whole flock, but she’s the worst it’s gotten I think because she’s been broody.
  2. Lillianellis

    TSC mystery bantam

    Yes they are identical! So much so that I named them Itsy and Bitsy 😂 I will have to google crele old English game bantam!
  3. Lillianellis

    TSC mystery bantam

    I have these 2 mystery bantams from TSC!! They’re much smaller than my other 2 bantams and I’m having a hard time identifying their breed!
  4. Lillianellis


    I have 3 Easter eggers, 2 mottled Cochin bantams, a buff Orpington, a white leghorn bantam, 2 brown leghorns, a New Hampshire red, and 2 mystery bantams that I just posted on my profile if you’d like to help guess their breed! :)
  5. Lillianellis


    Hey everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself! My name is Lillian and I am a fairly new to the chicken world! I have 5 3 month old ladies, and 7 about 2 month old babies! My chickens have brought me so much joy and I’m really enjoying the chicken community :)
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