Recent content by Lily Dean

  1. Lily Dean

    Treats for 5 week meat birds

    Nice I figured if they are old enough to have treats then I should give them some I love to treat them. What about things like applesauce or yogurt or are those too harsh for baby birds?
  2. Lily Dean

    Treats for 5 week meat birds

    I would love to give my meat birds some treats. They are 5 weeks as of the 13th and are almost as big as my full grown egg chickens. What can they eat for treats? Thanks Lily
  3. Lily Dean

    dying chicks

    My order from mount healthy was 50 cornish rock and within the first 10 days we lost 10 total for what seemed to be no apparent reason. They originally seemed healthy and then just were dead when we went out there to check on them. I think they expect it to be normal to have some losses when you...
  4. Lily Dean

    Mixed orders

    I just had a question. We are thinking of getting a mixed order of egg chickens meat chickens and turkeys can we put all of them in the same brooder together or should we separate them? Thanks Lily
  5. Lily Dean

    How do I use Stal Dry in the coop?

    Yeah we use pine shavings too mainly with our baby chicks because it was listed as acceptable bedding by the hatchery. Not sure why they are bad??
  6. Lily Dean

    why do people think your horrible when you say u eat your chickens

    I can tell you from my point of view that the only problem I have with it is that I will get too attached to the birds and then not want to let them go when it comes time to process them for the freezer. I have the same problem with my goats, lambs, pigs and cows. I get through it though because...
  7. Lily Dean

    Welp Hatcheries

    Hmm that could potentially be a problem maybe I will have to order some slow growing broilers as well to fill my order. I hear that they are great even though they take a bit longer. I would like to do 100 Cornish Cross 10 large white turkeys...
  8. Lily Dean

    Chick Games!!

    What cool pics! I don't have pictures of our babies but they will race each other from one end of the brooder to the other. It's so funny to watch Lily
  9. Lily Dean


    I think as long as they have heat they will be okay we had to do this with a bunch of our chicks too and they are all doing well. On another posting in the disease section they talk about feeding yogurt mixed with their food and it will get rid of pasty butt also you can feed them ground up...
  10. Lily Dean

    Is anyone else waiting for a chick order? CHICK PICS!!

    We ordered 50 Cornish Cross chicks that were hatched on the 6th we have 40 left at the end of week one. Not sure what killed the others they just seemed to not grow and die, it was like they didn't thrive. All the others are doing beautifully and are getting huge. It seems like each time we go...
  11. Lily Dean

    Welp Hatcheries

    Yeah Mt Healthy credited us with 10 birds for our next order but they won't send less than 25 because the birds would arrive dead due to being too cold. I would order from them again but I have heard that they have difficulties with their Easter Egg Chickens and have had complaints about not...
  12. Lily Dean

    Welp Hatcheries

    Soaring Chicks, Your birds are beautiful! I can't wait until spring and then I think I will give Welp a try and see what they are like. My niece wants some Easter Egg chicks and so we are hoping to combine those in with our order of meat chickens and turkeys this year. I am very happy with Mt...
  13. Lily Dean

    Welp Hatcheries

    Thanks for the reference I will check them out as well. Right now I guess I am trying to learn as much as I possibly can from everyone on here since you all have years more experience than I do. It really helps to be able to come here to ask questions. Lily
  14. Lily Dean

    Welp Hatcheries

    Thanks any reviews helps as this will only be my second order. Our first order was from Mt Healthy and we were happy with how the order arrived but within the first week we lost 10 of the 50 birds and no extra birds were included on our order. The only real problem I have with Mt Healthy is...
  15. Lily Dean

    Welp Hatcheries

    I was interested in hearing what any of you have to say about Welp Hatchery out of Iowa. I am considering ordering from them next year since they allow orders smaller than 25 chicks and they also allow mixed orders. This year I ordered from Mt Healthy but we were looking into getting a mixed...
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