Recent content by Limet8

  1. Limet8

    I need help... Gash

    i cant tell. There is a lot of congealed blood around it...
  2. Limet8

    I need help... Gash

    can you use triple antibiotic ointment for it?
  3. Limet8

    I need help... Gash

    My chicken has a gash on her stomach that is about two inches long. I have no idea how it got there or how long it has been. She has been losing feathers all around it... how do i clean it and is there an antibiotic or something i can put on it?
  4. Limet8

    Help! Hens Fighting

    Thank you for the advice. My chickens are 1 year old and have been together since birth. I have 3 birds and each bird has more than 6 square feet of a coop. They are also let out to roam free in my yard everyday.
  5. Limet8

    Help! Hens Fighting

    My leghorn recently started pecking and scratching one of my rhode island reds. The Rhode Island Red is constantly bloody and so is the leghorn. I think that because the leghorn is pecking the Rhode Island, the rhode island is pecking/scratching back. I need to stop this. PLEASE HELP!!
  6. Limet8

    Comment by 'Limet8' in item 'Chicken Feeder / Water Fountain'

    I have tried this feeder/water fountain and unfortunately it did not let any food out and I was forced to overpay for something that didn't work, however if you use it for water, you will be fine.
  7. Limet8

    is this a rooster?

    I'd say roo
  8. Limet8

    Comment by 'Limet8' in item 'Leghorn'

    She constantly clucks and makes a lot of noise. Also her tail feathers are pointed more up than my RIR's. The Rhode Island reds have less defined tail feathers.
  9. Limet8

    Comment by 'Limet8' in item 'Leghorn'

    He or she is about a month and a half old so ????? I am hoping she is a girl because I am not allowed to have roosters in California
  10. Limet8

    Comment by 'Limet8' in item 'Leghorn'

    I set my avatar as the leghorn I think is a rooster. Do you think he/she is a roo?
  11. Limet8

    Rhode Island Red with a REALLY red face

    Hi everyone, I have a 1 1/2 month old rhode island red that has a really red face and won't stop itching it. Any ideas as to what is causing this or is it normal?
  12. Limet8

    Comment by 'Limet8' in item 'Leghorn'

    Can you tell if your leghorn is a rooster when they are 1 month old?
  13. Limet8

    Comment by 'Limet8' in article 'How To Raise A Chicken As A Family Pet'

    Soo cute but My chickens seem to be scared of me and I don't know what to do. Does anyone have an Idea?????? Anything will help thanks!
  14. Limet8


    soooooo cute
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