Recent content by Lisa3315

  1. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    Not the update I was expecting to give. I haven't been able to give her the antibiotics. I was too concerned about her beak being damaged, I didn't want to make it worse or further traumatize her.
  2. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    I didn't think we would be here, but she is still alive and really seeming to be improving. She's opening both eyes (not all the way yet, but enough to see out of!) and this morning she's been eating (crumbles watered down with Nutridrench) and drinking on her own! I'm still putting the eye...
  3. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    I'm so sorry for both of your losses. Thank you so much for your help, I had everything you suggested ready to go/I went out and got it, but I think it was too little too late this time. I'm taking this learning experience to be better prepared in case something like this happens to my flock.
  4. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    I think she's probably too far gone. The bobcat attacked her yesterday afternoon sometime, and I don't think anything was done to treat the wounds or trauma until I got her this morning. And even then, wasn't able to do a whole lot until this afternoon. It really seems like she has taken a turn...
  5. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    I was able to find it, it was the last bottle there! I don't know if I'm going to be able to use it though... I think she might be too far gone.
  6. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    I found some punctures, it looks like it must have grabbed her around the neck or the head. I'm spraying them with this:
  7. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    Yeah, the mucous is inside her mouth. Her beak looks a little out of alignment, but I don't see cracks or missing pieces or anything.
  8. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    It's not smashed or anything, but it looks like its filled with white mucous? And she really doesn't want it open.
  9. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    I do have a TS nearby, I'll go over there now. I'm nervous about syringing into her beak if she has a beak injury, which seems to be the case. Should I still do it? Anything g I should be careful of?
  10. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    It seems like I'm not able to get antibiotics for her unless I take her in to a vet... any other options?
  11. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    She's been sleeping, and I just noticed that she's kind of drooling on herself. Not sure what that means.
  12. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    Thanks for responding. I didn't notice any open wounds when I was looking her over. It seems like her injuries are internal. It's not very noisy when she breathes... But she's in a very quiet room, and if I hold my breath and listen closely I can hear her breathe. She kind of smacks her beak...
  13. Lisa3315

    Help! Bobcat attack - ruptured air sack?

    Update: She's moving around a little more, definitely seems more alert. I picked her up and tried to feel around the bulged area, and it didn't seem very balloon like? It felt pretty firm. So I'm not sure if it's actually a ruptured air sack, but I'm not sure what else it might be. I splashed...
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