Recent content by lisalisa0862

  1. lisalisa0862

    Floppy, shaky duckling who keeps falling on his back!

    Thank yoy allfor helping! I scooped him up swaddled him inside a tshirt and carried him around my neck, keeping him very warm, and just held him and talked, fed him water a drop here and there, and 24 hours later, hes almost perfectly normal! Still in quarantine, buthe was one day old, hatched...
  2. lisalisa0862

    Help, Newborn Duck Question

    My duckling looks like that!
  3. lisalisa0862

    Floppy, shaky duckling who keeps falling on his back!

    @amiga..same type of problems hete, but inday old duckling. Help!
  4. lisalisa0862

    Free to good home...

    Just got online and saw your response. I'm sorry we have found home. But thank you so much
  5. lisalisa0862

    Free to good home...

    Thanks to you both. And sorry, I didn't know. Thanks again..
  6. lisalisa0862

    Free to good home...

    We have Ben given these three ducks, and have now decided we cannot take them for good.anyone close to Norman,okla who's willing to take all three, since they are a lil family, please call 339-4752
  7. lisalisa0862


    Plus, our mama that died? She had two eggs that actually became chic's in the bator, so the one died in the egg turner, but one started to pipp! So I put him in the other bator, and for two days approx, he was hard at it. Last night, I told my boyfriend he needed help, I Dont think he can get...
  8. lisalisa0862


    Thank you, and now, since this last post, we've suffered a few losses more! I can't figure it out really, Ok... So we acquired three ducks from my friend, two females and a male. One female actually had a nest of ten eggs. So, since she wouldn't sit on them, we put them into a hova bator, still...
  9. lisalisa0862

    Hands on hatching and help

    The other egg died like two days before this one pipped externally, and have no clue why. Do you?
  10. lisalisa0862

    Hands on hatching and help

    Hi, I'm lisa and this is our one egg! Were in process of hatching, but it has looked like this for about 24 hours. No progress, and I see slightly brown around edges of it. Chicks breathing, and keeps trying between resting. Temps about 94-100 and 75-80% seems to be less active, on...
  11. lisalisa0862


    At beginning of summer, we got two baby ducks at Atwood's. One male and one female. We say they were in love! But anyways, they've mated, played eggs, and the male was extremely overprotective of the female. Yesterday, we came home, and went out like always to feed and water the animals, noticed...
  12. lisalisa0862

    First timer! Help!

    Were not sure of exact age either...
  13. lisalisa0862

    First timer! Help!

    15 days app. In that homemade incubator. The two days prior, we put in a plastic crate, on a heating pad with bath rug on top. And a bowl of water also. We sprayed them every few hours .
  14. lisalisa0862

    First timer! Help!

    We recently inherited 9 duck eggs from my daughters school. Mama was being played with by the boys, and girls were protecting her. Principal WS calling dog pound, so I said I have a pond and two ducks already, I'll take them. We brought them home, two days later mama took off. So, we built an...
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