Recent content by lislilchick

  1. lislilchick


    No picture. There is no bleeding or wound, her foot looks alittle swollen.
  2. lislilchick


    I found my 2 month old polish chick this morning, she had some how got her toe stuck in a ramp I made. Needless to say I feel horrible! She has been eating, drinking. She will stand and scratch her head with the bummed foot, and seems to be in good spirits. I have soaked her foot in empson salt...
  3. lislilchick

    Sick 5 yo hen looking droopy, any ideas? - pics included

    Regrettably, we had to put her down. The hatchery we baught her from said this one was not formed properly in the shell. It could not hold its head up,and started to walk backwards and dragging its head on the ground. =( needless to say, it was a sad day at the farm. Thanks everyone for your...
  4. lislilchick

    Sick 5 yo hen looking droopy, any ideas? - pics included

    I have a 7 wk old that has always had a droopy look, Today, i went into the coop and noticed his/her head is tucked up under its breast and was walking backwards briefly. When lifting the head it seems as though its stiff or has tension in it. Im not sure what to do. Please help! Thank u!
  5. lislilchick

    Are they roosters by accident?

    Noticed my Longhorn has a bigger comb then the rest. He/she is about 7 wks old? Any predictions?
  6. lislilchick

    is it a boy or girl??

    Recently my 6 week old, have been much chattier these days..could i have a roo on my hands?
  7. lislilchick

    is it a boy or girl??

  8. lislilchick

    is it a boy or girl??

    Boy or girl
  9. lislilchick

    is it a boy or girl??

    I will love them all regardless! =) i have another that is in question.
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