Recent content by litehook

  1. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    Here's what I so far thanks for the info and links. Couldn't have done it without y'all. Hope to raise hatch next time.Thanks Monty.
  2. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    Couldn't stand it any longer, got him out and put in brooding box.I am pretty sure he would've killed freshly hatched chick.I put water feeder in with him. Got temp to about hundred with light.The other chick seams to be doing a lot better now.He took like ⁴ hours to get out of shell don't think...
  3. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    Hes fluffed up and running all around;buddy is bringing siting hen over tomorrow to help raise chicks.Should I get him out and set a brooding box up til we get chicks under hen?
  4. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    The one that hatched is pecking one that has beak sticking out like a bullie or ya think hes helping?Guess best to let nature take its coruse; Or should I help?witch would means opening bator.Any thoughts?Thanks Monty
  5. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    Got home form work at 530 and found egg pippin we to get grandson by the time I got back it was out makeing a lot of noise looking for mom.Either I had days wrong or hes 3 to 4 days early.This is my first batch of eggs; he or she seams healthy does this happen often;hatching early? thanks for...
  6. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    Thanks for the grate links.Couldn't help myself and float tested eggs.Only one chicken egg sank like a rock;all others floated with maybe a 10th of shell above water.Quail eggs 7 out of 35 sank. I put heavy cup with sponge in bator to raise humidity Now I guess it wait and hope for the best...
  7. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    The eggs are I guess what you call a barnyard mix. He also gave me about 40 Bob white eggs;he told me quail eggs take about 26 days to hatch.I have them in the same bator hope that's not going to be a problem. Any thoughts on the quail eggs takeing 26 days and keeping them with chickens?He also...
  8. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    We had a power outage Friday nite for about 4 hours. temp went down to 92 for a little while;got the temp bac to 100 pretty quickly hope they will be ok.I candled last nite cant see much movement now;seams to just be a dark mass and defined air sacks on most.Hope all goes well.Lockdown starts...
  9. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    On the 18th day you into lockdown,i guess this means not to mess with eggs anymore. Think i should give a quick missed of water over eggs once a day?I see I have alot to learn befor the eggs hatch.Do some stick to shells trying to get out?What do you do then?Recon I better get reading.Thanks for...
  10. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    I candled 22 eggs tonite;only 1 looks questionable. Friday night I showed grandkids;after they saw heart and movement they wanted to candle every hour.Started out with 26 or 27 mixed eggs and around 40 Bob white eggs almost all Bob white eggs look good.How long do chick's stay in bator before...
  11. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    Thanks for the link,set temp to 100 and will roll eggs 3 times a day. Thanks for the help,
  12. litehook

    Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

    Nube to hatching eggs;a friend of my brought over a bator with several kinds of eggs.He told me to keep temp between 101 & 105.He did not say anything about humidity Told me to roll eggs everyday;and how to hold eggs to light to check them.Any other advice we be appreciate d Thanks Monty Started...
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