Recent content by Little Cheepers

  1. Little Cheepers

    Should I kill my whole flock?

    My partner and I have had a flock of 20 hens for a year now. Their current condition is: Laying well with occasional egg eating by a few Eating high quality whole-seeds and grain feed, vegetable scraps, grass, and bugs Living in a chicken tractor and quickly get bored and peck at each other...
  2. Little Cheepers

    GIGANTIC KIDNEYS - what happened to this chicken?!

    We found Pumpkin waddling around like a little penguin, tail down, breathing heavy - classic egg bound behaviors. We brought her in, gave her an epsom salt bath, and poked into her vent to feel for the egg. But no egg. Her abdomen was hard, so we figured we just weren't poking right. Let her...
  3. Little Cheepers

    Bumble Foot surgery incomplete - healing w/ infection still inside

    Hi y'all, I've read lots of helpful posts on the this forum about Bumble Foot and how to treat it - I'm super appreciative. Since our chicken's foot was enormously bulging and she was limping, we went ahead and did surgery. We popped out 4-5 huge chunks of infection over a period of 10 days...
  4. Little Cheepers

    Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

    Thank you for the great tutorial! We referred back to it throughout the whole process. Now as for stock - what did you do to the heads? They look peeled or something. We want to use them but they are covered in tiny feathers... Suggestions?
  5. Little Cheepers

    white/greenish color on ears - infection?

    Perfect! Looks like you nailed it, Eggcessive. Thank you so much for the warm welcome and super helpful reply. Do we simply apply the cream once a day until symptoms clear up?
  6. Little Cheepers

    white/greenish color on ears - infection?

    We just got a half dozen 12-week old hens from a factory farm (we didn't realize this was the case until they showed up in our driveway). They have clipped peaks and seem to have PTSD. Many of them have a strange white/greenish film on their ears, and we can't match it up to any of the typical...
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