Recent content by livesimplecolorado

  1. livesimplecolorado

    Broody Hen - New To This!

    I have a broody, I used to try to snap her out of it, now I just let her be. Eventually, they snap out of it on their own. Another option would be to some new babies under her :)
  2. livesimplecolorado

    Comment by 'livesimplecolorado' in article '"Hentirement"'

    I really love this and have often wondered myself after 2 years If I would see another egg! Mine are a little over 2 and they still lay consistently. Over the summer, I can't keep up with the production and often give fresh eggs to my neighbor. I think if they are happy, loved, and well taken...
  3. livesimplecolorado

    Sudden Chicken Death

    I'm sorry for your loss. The only thing I can say that might make it better is that much like people, some chickens just have hidden genetics that causes them to get sick or die for no rhyme or reason. We had a beautiful little girl (buff Orpington) that was fine one day and the next day, dead...
  4. livesimplecolorado

    ISA browns not laying

    Mine are a little over 2 years, they do slow down after about the first year. I used to get almost one egg a day per chicken, now its more like 4 or so every few days. No biggie for me, more than enough eggs still!
  5. livesimplecolorado

    Why are my Chickens not laying eggs?

    I had a few hens that did not lay for almost a year. It took that long for them to mature, however, 2 years is a bit much. Did you get them as chicks or buy them older? I am thinking if it was the latter, they could be older than you think and have stopped laying consistently. Another issue is...
  6. livesimplecolorado

    How do you prep your birds for the 4th of July?

    Ironically things like thunder or fireworks do not seem to freak them out. Moving around the run with a bowl full of treats and then putting the "big black bowl" down will send them into a frenzy lol. Silly birds. Yesterday it was dark and gloomy, thunder, starting to rain, they were just...
  7. livesimplecolorado

    mysterious heartbreaking death

    I had one die about a year after I got her. It was so random, she was fine the day before, and then found her dead the next day. I don't think there is much rhyme or reason as to why they die, like humans some of them have pre existing conditions that we would never even know about. I know...
  8. livesimplecolorado

    How hard can it really be?? Rant!

    Sounds like my last vacation lol My neighbor has 4 kids and they love the chickens, so I asked if she would like to have the kids watch the chickens for 10 days. The kids are younger so I assumed that she would be with them to make sure they did things correctly. Nope. Same thing, auto door...
  9. livesimplecolorado

    Where feeder should be - pros and cons

    I have a grandpas feeder, it is a treadle type and I leave it in the run 24/7. I think if you have open food in your run, you will have to bring the food in and out of the run every day or you will get rodents. Even with the treadle feeder, you may catch a mouse here and there. I have a few...
  10. livesimplecolorado

    Comment by 'livesimplecolorado' in article 'Top 10 Favorite Backyard Chicken Breeds'

    I have a flock of five, one is an RIR. She happens to be my favorite hen. Always curious, always the first one out of the coop, always following me around for treats. She doesn't scare easily and will come up to anybody. She's smart and lays an egg pretty much every day.
  11. livesimplecolorado

    Official BYC Poll: Are Chickens Easier or Harder To Raise Than Dogs/Cats?

    I think chickens are super easy to keep and are very hardy. The only two issues with chickens, first you have to keep their main area clean and it's easy to let go because they poop so much! If it's clean, then fewer diseases and issues. Second, they are pretty much defenseless against almost...
  12. livesimplecolorado

    Please help!! Pecking order

    I have an omelet coop as you have. I love it! I did get the 6ft run as well but took it down after a while. It was too small for my 6 girls. Instead, I put the coop in a larger run area instead. I don't move it anyway, so it's fine. You may consider doing something like that. I never have...
  13. livesimplecolorado

    What is one thing you figured out about chickens that you wish you knew when you began?

    I guess for me, realizing how durable and basic they really are. I would worry about snow, are they cold, are they too warm, are they sick, are they happy, etc. The reality is, that less is more with chickens. I love them, they follow me around all the time, but there is not much going on...
  14. livesimplecolorado

    Chicken screams when I touch them

    Lol, yea, I don't get out much either!
  15. livesimplecolorado

    Chicken screams when I touch them

    Thats a good way to put it! I want to give them more credit, but they do what they need to do to survive and live. I just try to give them a good life but I don't expect much out of them. My RIR will come up to me and is so curious, I keep thinking, oh this one is smart, nope lol. She is just a...
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