Recent content by ljr7

  1. L

    Township ordinance

    Hi. I’m going to start the process to get a chicken permit in Woodbridge township. I’m wondering if you could tell me how you went about the process and If you had to do all the things in the procedures list. I would greatly appreciate hearing about your experience.
  2. L

    woodbridge township poultry permit?

    Wow! So glad for you! How did you manage to get approved? What happened with the zoning board? I’m looking to apply for a permit for next year.
  3. L

    Diving into the chicken world

    Thanks so much! Town ordinances say you need to have at least 1 acre and the coop must be 100 ft from any human dwelling. I don’t live on anything relatively close to an acre but do have a large yard and so do my neighbors so don’t see how they would be a bother to them. I can request an...
  4. L

    woodbridge township poultry permit?

    Oh of course i mean instead of having ordinances denying certain residents from having backyard Chickens it would be nice if they rather trusted that residents follow the requirements. Especially as I see towns that allow people with tiny yards to have chicken coops right next to their homes. 🤷‍♀️
  5. L

    Diving into the chicken world

    Hi All, my name is Leydy. I don’t own chickens and my towns ordinances don’t allow me to have them. I’m hoping to apply for an exemption one day or maybe just move because chickens. So until that day comes I want to learn and live vicariously through actual chicken owners. I’ve spent a some...
  6. L

    woodbridge township poultry permit?

    I also live and Woodbridge and am also looking into this. I’m not ready for chickens this year but I’m hoping to try and request an exemption. If you manage to do this successfully I’d appreciate it if you can post an update. So unfortunate that there is a restriction altogether instead of...
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