Recent content by LMcAuley

  1. LMcAuley

    Canadian Breeder list

    Hi, I'm looking for orpingtons and silkies for this come spring 2016. Does anyone know of a good breeder in the ottawa/kemptville/prescott/cardinal area where I could acquire them? Thanks!
  2. LMcAuley

    North grenville! (Ottawa to Prescott and everything in between)

    Is there anyone in this area besides me?!
  3. LMcAuley

    Noobie here

    Oh wow! That site gave me a good idea as what and how I'd like to feed my chickens.
  4. LMcAuley

    Noobie here

    Hi Michael, thanks so much! I have checked out that area of the site. I'm planning on making my coop like fort Knox! We do have quite a few predators in the area - we are very rural. Thank you for the double latch idea though, I wouldn't have ever thought of that one. Can anyone recommend a...
  5. LMcAuley

    New from Ottawa, Canada!

    Hey there! I'm from the ottawa region myself - would you be willing to provide some info on where you got your chickens? I'm looking for something local to avoid shipping if possible. But I need/want specific breeds. I'm looking for orpingtons and silkies and it's proving to be difficult to find...
  6. LMcAuley

    Noobie here

    Anyone have any good tips they think is worth sharing for caring for chickens? I'm interested in the "organic" approach. Not looking to start a debate, just some friendly personal experiences would help.
  7. LMcAuley

    Canadian Hatcheies

    Anyone know where I can acquire good orpingtons in the ottawa area? I don't won't be able to take any on until spring. I tried opening that link from Thomas H but it said it was no longer available. Any help is appreciated.
  8. LMcAuley

    Noobie here

    Thanks everyone! Really appreciate the warm welcome and kind words. I'll definitely be posting a ton with questions seeing as I really want to do this chicken thing right.
  9. LMcAuley

    Noobie here

    Hi all, I'm. New to the chicken thing... well, new to owning my own chickens, that is. Does anyone know where I can acquire some buff orpingtons in the ottawa region come spring 2016? Thanks!
  10. LMcAuley


    I'm in Ontario! Ottawa region. Does anyone know where I can acquire some buff orpingtons come spring? Looking for hens/pullets and a rooster. Thanks!
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