Recent content by lolaschickens

  1. lolaschickens

    Please help, My chicken got too much wormer

    I just gave my chickens eprinex to get rid of mites and my syringe jammed up and then just squirted everything out at once on one hen! She got 1 1/2 cc and was only supposed to get 1\2. I tried to wipe some off. Will she be ok? I will feel so bad if she dies from it :(
  2. lolaschickens

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Wow he does look a lot like Pepper haha, where did you get Pepper from? I got my rooster (I named him Eastwood) from Murray mcmurray hatchery. I hope I find a place for him too, it's really hard for me to get rid of him
  3. lolaschickens

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thank you! I've read that they calm down but I'm scared he won't, in your experience around what age do they start to calm? That is so nice of you to offer the saddles for the hens! I really appreciate that, unfortunately he's ripping feathers out of their necks though :/ their backs are still...
  4. lolaschickens

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    I wish it wasn't too far! I've had like 5 people say they would want him but they're all so far! It's hard because I want him to have a good home where he's really wanted but I can't go across the country for it :/
  5. lolaschickens

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thank you! I didn't think of Craigslist, I'll try that :)
  6. lolaschickens

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Thanks Ant Farm! I wish you were closer too for his sake, it seems like nobody around here wants a Turken roo if only I had more property and space I could keep him!
  7. lolaschickens

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    Is there anybody on here in Michigan that might want a good lookin Turken rooster? He's 8 months old and is a good boy, he hasn't been aggressive at all towards people so far. The only problem is my older hens don't like him and won't submit when he tries to mate with them so they end up getting...
  8. lolaschickens

    Naked neck/Turken Roo in Michigan needs a good home

    He's about 8 months old and is a good boy, he has never tried to attack me or anybody else, he kind of stays to himself. My only problem is I have some older hens who won't submit to him and so when he tries to mate with them they get feathers ripped out :/ he's a big boy and does have a loud...
  9. lolaschickens

    Show off your roosters

    Thanks! Haha yes he does look like an 80's rocker! Makes me laugh because it looks like he wears eyeliner ;D
  10. lolaschickens

    Show off your roosters

    My Turken boy and my Silver Spangled Hamburg boy! :) I love them both
  11. lolaschickens

    Naked Neck/Turken Thread

    This is my Turken boy, He's awesome!
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