Recent content by Longfellowgirls

  1. Longfellowgirls

    My chicken's comb is half torn off. Need HELP!!

    I came home today to a bloody nest box and a possibly torn comb. I am assuming that the victim was taking too long in the nest box and another hen tried pulling her out by the comb? It was also the first time there has been more then 1 egg in the nest box (there were 4 today!!). She has a...
  2. Longfellowgirls

    Pullets won't go back in coop at night

    I'm having a similar problem with my four girls. They have chosen to go to bed on top of the nest box, on the outside of the coop, even though I made the top of it angled specifically so they wouldn't do this! Every night for 3 weeks now I go out and move them one by one into the coop. Should...
  3. Longfellowgirls

    1 week olds "charging" each other?

    This is very reassuring to me! Thanks for this thread. My ladies (fingers crossed) have been in their big girl coop for just a week now and since moving in I've noticed two of them chest-bumping and chasing each other. I didn't have a clue what this meant and was thinking I had ended up with...
  4. Longfellowgirls

    My chicks first night in their coop!

    I am new to chickens as well. My girls are spending their first night in the coop tonight of all nights. We've been putting it off due to 3 weeks of rain and then almost a week nearing 100 degrees. They don't seem to mind the fireworks in the neighborhood when they were in the run but did not...
  5. Longfellowgirls

    The Wyandotte Thread

    Hi all. I'm a first time chicken/wyandotte raiser. I have a 5 week old GLW pullet (I'm hoping) that has white this normal???
  6. Longfellowgirls

    What is your chicks' favorite treat?

    Mine must be afraid of new things--they wanted nothing to do with yogurt or the oats!! Silly girls. I'll be trying hard-boiled egg and grapes this week. Looking forward to the reactions!
  7. Longfellowgirls

    What is your chicks' favorite treat?

    Oh good, thanks for the info!!
  8. Longfellowgirls

    What is your chicks' favorite treat?

    When giving them rolled oats do you cook them first?
  9. Longfellowgirls

    mopey chick - 911

    I've offered her chick starter (medicated) mixed with warm water, once with a drop of honey in it, twice today. I started by pulling her out and letting her taste it then putting her and the dish back in the brooder with the other 3 big strong chicks. The second time today she actually pushed...
  10. Longfellowgirls

    New to all things chickens

    Hi!! I just joined recently too! My coop is half-built, mostly with free/recycled materials. I have four chicks hanging out in the kitchen, just waiting for it to be finished. They are only 2 weeks old now. 1 barred rock, 1 buff orp, 1 gold laced wyandotte, 1 blue Cochin (the youngest and a...
  11. Longfellowgirls

    Apple Cider Vinegar / organic treatments

    Ok, Thanks. I'll wait until their treatment is over
  12. Longfellowgirls

    Apple Cider Vinegar / organic treatments

    Can you put apple cider vinegar in the water if the water has Sulmet for Cocchi in it? I have one lethargic chick that I'd like to try to perk up with ACV if it won't affect the meds?
  13. Longfellowgirls

    $30 Coop/Run build EXTREME FREECYCLING!

    That is inspiring! I'm also trying hard to construct my first coop as cheaply as possible. So far I got free treated lumber (almost enough for all my framing), free siding, two cheap windows off craigslist, free pavers off craigslist, 2 free bags of sand off craigslist. Now I'm in the process...
  14. Longfellowgirls

    Dust baths...when to start?

    What about the free sand the city gives out for de-icing the sidewalk? I'm not sure if there would be any chemicals in it but maybe a good rinse?
  15. Longfellowgirls

    mopey chick - 911

    I have a similar situation! 3 of my chicks (a buff orp, a barred rock, and a goldlaced wyandotte all about 2.5 weeks old) are active and having fun. My blue cochin chick (who is a week younger) is usually laying by herself. When she is up she toddles around slowly and with seemingly no...
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