Recent content by lotsalyons

  1. lotsalyons

    Slugs in the coop

    I'm not too worried about this, but I have noticed slugs in the open part of my coop at night and they get under the watered in the coop. Yuck! I don't know if the birds know they are there.
  2. lotsalyons

    How do we get rid of Roosters?

    Where are you located? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. lotsalyons

    Is this poop normal?

    No, I don't know. I put ACV in their water and DE in their food. Hope that helps.
  4. lotsalyons

    Is this poop normal?

    It has been but today it's only 70.
  5. lotsalyons

    Is this poop normal?

    My hens are about 20 weeks and no one is laying yet. I have 3 heritage reeds and 3 comets. Not sure who did this.
  6. lotsalyons

    what breed is she?

    I'm not an expert but that doesn't look like an Ameracauna. Maybe some jubilee Orpington mixed with something else?
  7. lotsalyons

    Is this a pullet?

    I [/IMG][/IMG]have this little chick that is about 6 weeks old. She is supposed to be a black sexlink. But she is much smaller than her coop mates and has been slow to feather out. Today when I let her out she was jumping on top of a few of the other pullets. Thought this was interesting since...
  8. lotsalyons

    black sexlink

    I have a black sexlink chick who is a month old. She is only half the size of her coop mates. She appears to be fine and happy, just not growing at the same rate. Is this normal? Here she is with s golden comet about a week older than her.
  9. lotsalyons

    Slow growing chick....?

    I have this problem too. Here is my supposed black sex link pullet. She is a month old. Here she is next to a chick of approx same age. Thoughts?[/IMG]
  10. lotsalyons

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    The ramp is actually nailed to the base of the coop. As far as a roost plan, we took care of that today. We put in 2 branches a couple of feet off the floor. Good suggestion about covering the best boxes. I had someone build the whole thing for me so I have to kind of work with his ideas. I also...
  11. lotsalyons

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    [/IMG][/IMG] Still needs a lock and extra chicken wire on the screen door, but they're pretty happy!
  12. lotsalyons

    Plywood floor for run

    I have someone coming this morning to build a run. It will be attached to my shed. The ground is a little uneven and I asked him about predators and he said I needed 2 sheets of plywood for the floor. He wants to build a floor system. But most of the ones I see have dirt floors with bedding on...
  13. lotsalyons

    Lots of questions

    Update: We got 6 chicks: 2 Australorps, 2golden Comets, a black star and a buff Orpington. My daughter fixed a dog crate/brooder for them and I have found someone to build a run onto my shed next weekend. So far everyone is doing great.
  14. lotsalyons

    Lots of questions

    I have a nice coop/shed and a repurposed dog pe/ run but right now they are not connected. Do you think I could carry the birds back and forth? Temporarily till more $ comes in the spring?
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