Recent content by luebscknshack

  1. luebscknshack

    Mice in chicken coop

    I took the trap out and in a few days I'll get the steel traps!
  2. luebscknshack

    Mice in chicken coop

    I got the Tomcat Rat & Mouse Killer Child & Dog Resistance, Refillable Station. Can this be a problem if the chickens come into contact with the dead mice? I want to get the steel traps when I get the chance to order them but for now I have this. I'm afraid the chickens will get sick since it...
  3. luebscknshack

    Baby Chick Brooder Ideas?

    We just got 4 Rhode Island Reds and we have a Rubbermaid container for them and all the stuff they need to stay warm. I have noticed they like to be in a soft blanket in a large mixing bowl in my lap. They fall fast asleep and after I put them back in the container around 20 to 30 minutes later...
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