Recent content by luluch10

  1. luluch10

    Naturally Hatched Ducklings!!

    Wanted to share our happy news one of our Ancona ducks who sat on a nest of 18 eggs about a month ago hatched out 17 ducklings two days ago, very exciting. We also have another duck that went broody and we are anxiously awaiting her babies too. Our duck took her babies out on the pond...
  2. luluch10

    Questions, raising Ancona ducklings

    We were actually using paint trays to take them swimming but I think we will try just leaving them in there like you say for them to drink out of too! Thanks!!!
  3. luluch10

    Questions, raising Ancona ducklings

    Hello! We recently hatched out our first baby Ancona ducklings! They are doing really well, growing quickly but we have a couple of questions. They make a huge mess of their water with the pine shavings. We have tried putting the water up on a small piece of wood but they are still making a...
  4. luluch10

    Ancona ducks?

    I saw some of you are having trouble getting Ancona ducks from the Hatchery, we are currently have Ancona eggs in our incubator and I am happy to report we also have a female sitting on a nest right now. We are very excited about this and hoping our other females go broody as well as we would...
  5. luluch10

    Ancona Ducklings for Sale (Heritage Breed)

    Our Ancona ducklings are hatching today!! These ducks are bred from parents who live on a 4 acre pond surrounded by ample pasture. These ducks are extremely hearty and self-sustainable, we have not lost one to disease. We very minimally supplement their diet with natural non-medicated feed but...
  6. luluch10

    North Carolina

    We live about 20 minutes south of Carrboro, what kind of chickens do you have on your farm. WE are raising Dominiques.
  7. luluch10

    Baby Dominque Chicks for Sale (Straight Run)

    Please do not click BIN, please reply to this post, email or call. Baby Dominque Chicks are for sale, 4 dollars per chick straight run. These chicks are bred from free-range naturally raised parents who were never given medications or growth hormones. These chicks can be picked up or delivered...
  8. luluch10

    New Free-Range Poultry Farm

    Love the pictures, thanks!!!
  9. luluch10

    Old Duck

    I cooked mine in the oven on low, basted it a lot, filled it with garlic and other veggies and a little white wine. I also kept it covered in tinfoil, it was really tender and juicy... good luck!
  10. luluch10

    North Carolina

    Our farm which is called Old Holtwood Farm is in Silk Hope, NC about an hour west of Raleigh. Check us out at or on facebook under Old Holtwood Farm
  11. luluch10

    Question about eggs in incubator on day 25

    I agree candle and then throw out, we had one out of 23 not hatch the other day, we couldn't see anything so we gave it another day and half and then tosed it.
  12. luluch10

    Its day 29 and I havent seen any ducklings:(

    I have read a couple of places that ducks can take up to 33 days to hatch sometimes, if it is that cold out maybe she needs a few extra days.
  13. luluch10

    What is the number one concern/question about chicken coops?

    Ventilation is definitely key, our coop has big screen windows that can be closed in bad weather. Two other things my husband did that is helpful he put laying boxes on each side so we can reach in and grab eggs and put a ramp for the chickens at one end and a bigger door at the other end he...
  14. luluch10

    Up to what age chick can you put with a newly hatched?

    We will be hatching Dominiques a week or so apart and plan on putting them together!
  15. luluch10

    105 degrees! Yikes

    Our temperature went up really high with some our duck eggs, 110 the other night not sure what happened to that incubator it had been holding steady at 100 for so long. We have been candling regularly since then and so far most are still moving around very well. I am afraid we may have cooked...
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