Recent content by LunarAngel

  1. LunarAngel

    My Roosters are Purring

    I've got 26 chickens... 1 Japanese bantam roo and 2 Partridge rock roos. Now, one of the Partridge Roos, named Rocky, has started a new thing. He purrs! I'll be sitting on the porch step. Right next to our porch is a little weeded area, where the chickens seldom go. He likes to go up in there...
  2. LunarAngel

    Lost my dog today

    Yes, the PetLoss site really is a great place! I go there a lot, even thought it's been almost a year since I lost Lucky. Of course, now I've got my hands full with Raiden, a little black and white kitten (BIG kitten now!) we found in the woods. And I swear, he's just like Lucky! I don't think...
  3. LunarAngel

    compound chain

  4. LunarAngel

    Celebrity Game

    Nat Wolff (from the Naked Brothers Band)
  5. LunarAngel

    diatomaceous earth - did I buy right kind?

    Hi Lisa, I wanted to let you know that Saturday is good, if you want to come by the store. Sorry we didn't reply sooner!
  6. LunarAngel

    Celebrity Game

  7. LunarAngel


    They don't bite hard. I know they can bite harder, because Momo thought that my hand was a piece of food once... and it hurt a little bit when he tried to EAT ME. I do know that poultry shiver when they're happy, and Kupo shivers if I pet him while he's eating. They're actually very sweet most...
  8. LunarAngel

    Question about Ducks....

    I don't think it should matter if they're crested, should it? There isn't just a "crested" duck, is there? I know that Kupo (drake runner/buff) is a crested. But Baka isn't, and I think they might be related. Thanks for the info, though. I ought to try leaving them in a little longer and...
  9. LunarAngel


    My ducks have become completely the most aggressive animals I've had... and I have a rottwieler! The males slowly sneak up behind me and... nibble at my jeans. They can't bite worth anything, but they try. They CAN bite a little harder, but they won't bite me too hard because I feed them. The...
  10. LunarAngel

    Question about Ducks....

    Are Black Swed. good setters? We have a female of that breed and a Fawn-and-White Runner/Buff (who finally realized she's a girl!) mix. How will she set? And will ducks mate before they're ready to lay eggs? That's what ours seem to have done. A few weeks ago, the Black Swed, Kuro, decided...
  11. LunarAngel

    What kind of dog do you have?

    Rottwielers are great pets. We have one, 4-years-old, named Hannah. They're very loyal and loving, despite their reputation. They get along great with kids and other animals. Hannah used to get chased by my cat who died last October, Lucky! We also have a shciperkee. They are very fun, VERY...
  12. LunarAngel

    For all of you who don't have kids...

    My friends showed me this a few months ago. We were going to do a skit at our church about it. My first friend was going to be the pink unicorn, and my other friend was going to be "Charlie." I got stuck with the purple unicorn so I had to memorize everything ALL of them said to help the...
  13. LunarAngel

    Lost my dog today

    Made me cry too. I lost my Lucky Boy in October last year. But I found a little abandoned kitten that is JUST like him. God has sent me Lucky Jr. Maybe he'll send you a Jr., too. Go to Google and search for "Rainbow Bridge." It might make you cry, but it'll make you feel better. I'll be...
  14. LunarAngel

    Cruel people/ dumped kittens

    You're not alone. I found a kitten in the woods a few months ago and he's turned into my Lucky #2. I recently had a cat runover. His name was Lucky, and he was a black main-coon mix. Only five-years-old. But Raiden (the new kitten) is a lot like him. He can't replace Lucky, but he sure can...
  15. LunarAngel

    compound chain

    hold 'er hand?
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