Recent content by LuvMyArabs

  1. LuvMyArabs


    Hey All, I just got 5 cochin bantam chicks over the weekend. They where/are supposed to be Mottled Cochin bantam chicks but I'm starting to think they are Not :( I'm thinking they are just Black Cochin Bantams. What do you all think they are Mottled or Blacks?
  2. LuvMyArabs


  3. LuvMyArabs


    Hi All... I'll be moving to Wheatfield IN next week :) We bought a five acre place with a barn and can't wait to get my horses home and watch my chickens run around the yard :) I only have 5 chickens right now but I'm adding a couple more after we move into the new place. And I'm...
  4. LuvMyArabs

    Goat's Milk Soaps & Lotions, Homemade with REAL goat's milk.

    Order Placed. This is my fist time buying goat milk soap so I can't wait to try it :)
  5. LuvMyArabs

    Anti Chicken neighbor/ update in first post

    Next time you see her cat in your yard make sure you go over and ask her to keep it out of you yard;)
  6. LuvMyArabs

    Will this work to clean out the coop?

    Everything probably would fall right through those too because the spacing is probably too far apart for little chicken poops. But theres also this one which has smaller spacing in between the tines, maybe it would work...
  7. LuvMyArabs

    What breeds should I choose? (List of breeds)

    I believe the reply is the breeds in the Bold type;) Funny because those exact three are what I think I'm going to order. That is as soon as I can get a definite answer on whether or not chickens are allowed in my town. The barred rock may get changed to a Brahma though, but I can't decide...
  8. LuvMyArabs

    And yet another dog food recall....

    I was feeding BB also and switched to wellness. One of my dogs is having diarrhea issues with the wellness though:(.
  9. LuvMyArabs

    Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

    Quote: I'm not sure what you're afraid of - do you already have chickens? Nope.
  10. LuvMyArabs

    Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

    Quote: True....But I know someone who works in the office and I'm afraid she'd recognize my voice.
  11. LuvMyArabs

    Chicken LORE Project - Find & Submit Local Chicken Laws & Ordinances

    So I would LOVE to have a couple (well actually about 3-4 backyard chickens) but I don't know what my town ordinances are. Anyone want to call for me since I'm too chicken (LOL) to call myself since I'm pretty sure our town hall has called ID?? I'm in Crestwood IL. And the village...
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