Recent content by lyssa456

  1. lyssa456

    Fully feathered?? Can they stay out??

    These are my chickens, they are all 3 1/2-5 weeks old. Would you say they are fully feathered and can stay outside permanently? We have a coop that locks up and it's about 60-70 during the day and 30-40 at night. Their container we keep them in in our garage is just getting too crowded with how...
  2. lyssa456

    Rir roo or pullet??

    These are all my RIR chicks, #4 doesnt have a good pic of its head but it is the only one that the comb doesnt seem to be as big as the rest and it has long tail feathers. None of the others tail feathers have really grown in yet.
  3. lyssa456

    Rir roo or pullet??

    Is it possible to tell from about 3 weeks which sex my chicks are? I am going now to get some pics to post
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