Recent content by Mamahenjen

  1. M

    Baby Silkie Prolapse Vent & Possibly Torn. Please Help! It's been 2 days

    Thank you so much! Decided not to use the epsom salt since there's many other ingredients that I'm not sure about. This is how it looks right now. Seems to have gotten slightly better.. She's still active and purrs for the smallest things like when she finds a ray of sunlight. She's such a...
  2. M

    Baby Silkie Prolapse Vent & Possibly Torn. Please Help! It's been 2 days

    Thank you for your reply! I didn't know that and will try putting some vaseline. Hopefully it's not too late 😭. Is epsom salt for human baths like the one attached ok to use? She's still active this morning chirping and excited to eat. Poor baby. Do I need to crush her chick crumbles more...
  3. M

    Baby Silkie Prolapse Vent & Possibly Torn. Please Help! It's been 2 days

    I think it might have been from straining when it had pasty butt and we weren't able to clear that for it soon enough ); I wouldn't even know how to go about euthanizing it and wouldn't have the heart to do that myself. Is that something you would bring to the vet to do..?
  4. M

    Baby Silkie Prolapse Vent & Possibly Torn. Please Help! It's been 2 days

    Yes, can I get the contact to your vet please? I'm located in Cali and looked up vets that may specialize in poultry nearby but, unfortunately, didn't find any. Do you know what the vet may charge for a phone call if any? Thank you!
  5. M

    Baby Silkie Prolapse Vent & Possibly Torn. Please Help! It's been 2 days

    Hi! I have a baby Silkie about 1 week old with a prolapse vent and some of it is protruding out a lot. We're not sure if there is a tear as well since the chick is so small, it's hard to see what's going on and this is our first time encountering this. Been looking online and reading advice on...
  6. M

    Ended 2021 Chicken Gift-Ideas Giveaway - Over $500 In Gifts Up To $35 Each!

    Used one of these incubators and successfully hatched 2 baby chicks 2 weeks ago. 😁🐣...
  7. M

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Standard-Bred Chicken Show

    Thank you! It's 2 days old today 😄
  8. M

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair—Standard-Bred Chicken Show

    This is Pepper, our female silver laced cochin. Featuring her newly hatched baby duckling. 😊
  9. M

    Ended Official BYC 2021 Summer Fair CHICKEN P💩💩P BINGO

    ooh I want to participate! Can't Wait!! :wee
  10. M

    Two ~5month old cockerel NEEDS NEW HOME. Los Angeles, CA

    Hi Everyone, I’m new to raising chickens and got these 2 as chicks in October 2020. We were hoping they would be females; however, realized they are males and sadly, won’t be able to keep them. They just started crowing so we’re also worried that it would bother our neighbors. We’re hoping to...
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