Recent content by mamazta

  1. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Carrie's Coop'

    Great coop. How is the water hole(for the ducks) build? I will love to build one like it.
  2. mamazta

    Poultry Nipple Drinker Waterers water systems for duck chicken hens

    how much is to ship 8 of this to 14129.Thank you.
  3. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Building A Coop For Our Girls'

    This is beatifull and practical. What is the size of this coop. I'm building a 7x8 and I want to built this type of roof. Thank you.
  4. mamazta

    What do hens look for in nesting boxes?

    size depend what breed you have,for my Dominics I use a 14x12 for my silkies 12x10 big enugh for they to turn around line the box whith carboard so if ever get dirty you just change the carboard, make sure is dark and private ;-) some people use shered paper I don't.
  5. mamazta

    Can someone please identify these mites and what to use to get rid of them!?

    Hi, I don't know what type of mites are those but I use VetRx rub some in the legs, under the wings top of neck top of tale once a week.I clean the coop and dust it with sevin dust.My friend uses lice shamppo on her polish ro and clean the coop with lice spray it work for her also.
  6. mamazta

    possible developmental issues?

    If she always been like this then she is what I call spoil (lol) but if she just star acting like this try some vitamin D gel capsul one a day squiz it in her bick that will help her bones. TSC sell some vitamin suplement for the water that will help if she is not gettin enough from her feed.
  7. mamazta


    Observe her droppings if is not bloddy then may be a vitamin defficience. I did had to treat my silkies for cocci wich I use sulmet since it will be good for any bacteria, corrid do not treat some kind of bacteria.Keep her out of mediacade feed and put her in regular feed for the time you give...
  8. mamazta

    advice for babies

    when they are 10 week is the best time.I star at 8 week put mine 6 new one in a dog wire cage for couple hours at the time every day so by the time they were 10 week they were use to each other so now they toghether.
  9. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Chick N Box'

    I did my brooder simple too I put shered paper for bedding.Does anybody know if cherry shaving are save for bedding?
  10. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Maurice, the Car Chicken Coop'

    Super creativity! thinking outside the BOX it is always more FUN!.
  11. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Recycled Coop'

    How far apart are the slepping roost?. Great job it look great I'm working in mine but is going to take longer than your since I have no experience with tools but I will learn lol.
  12. mamazta

    Sponsored Post Protecting your chickens from predators in your backyard!

    what you getting for? if is eggs Dominiques are good and very friendly if is meat Jersey grow very fast and yet very friendly for show nothing beat the silkies they are very sweet.Wich ever you get you will have a blast and they are very fun to have.
  13. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Biosecurity For The Rest Of Us'

    Marengoite I'm new to raising chickens and this is a very good article for me because I stared with 6 two week old chick and I add up 3 more 16 week old I keep them sepated because the babies are to little to put them togheter, and of course chicken math kickin in now I want 5 more and I have...
  14. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Recycled Fence Coop'

    Thank you I'm star on mine this weekend I'll post pictures this coming week.
  15. mamazta

    Comment by 'mamazta' in article 'Recycled Fence Coop'

    Where did you get the cattle panels and the suntuf roof? It is a great Idea.Thank you for sharing such of great idea.
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