Recent content by MandaE2015

  1. MandaE2015

    Breeding Pens

    How many hens do you keep per roo? I agree - there are definitely some that I see as bonded. I'm ok with keeping them together as long as the roo isn't over breeding the hens. I'm very fortunate in that all of my roos are very gentle with their ladies and just good boys in general. Right now...
  2. MandaE2015

    Breeding Pens

    That makes sense and was kind of what I was thinking. So I'm thinking I'll set up a bachelor pen apart from my breeding pens. I also have different roos that I'll want to alternate in from time to time. Some of my roos co-exist nicely. Others are less accepting of the competition. :D
  3. MandaE2015

    Breeding Pens

    I am starting a breeding program with 4 different breeds. We are currently setting up our breeding pens. My question is, do you keep your breeds in the breeding pens year round, or do you separate the roos at points to rest the hens? I'm trying to figure out exactly how I want to do this and...
  4. MandaE2015


    I don't yet. I started a small flock over the summer. They aren't laying yet.
  5. MandaE2015

    Impacted Goose

    We have a vet about an hour and a half away that will see geese. We've only been to him once before and I only talked to his techs (couldn't go in because of Covid), but something is better than nothing, so I'll give him a call. Thank you so much!
  6. MandaE2015

    Impacted Goose

    Ok, sounds good. I'll give the vet a call. Thank you so much!
  7. MandaE2015

    Impacted Goose

    Ok, will do. I've only had him since this summer, but I suspected he had some digestive issues then (though I didn't know the sprawled stance indicated anything - I thought this was just normal for him). I think now its just coming to a head.
  8. MandaE2015

    Eggstremaly rare breeds

    These were from hatching eggs from a private breeder. I have more coming in March from Greenfire.
  9. MandaE2015

    Impacted Goose

    I have a 19 year old gander that seems to be impacted. Upon the advice of some other goose owners, I gave them a bale of hay to entertain themselves for the winter and I'm afraid he may have eaten too much. He is keeping his head drawn back towards his back and his esophagus is quite large...
  10. MandaE2015

    Eggstremaly rare breeds

    Hedemora pullets and cockerels
  11. MandaE2015


    There is a Hedemora group on FB - have you tried there? I just started my own flock, but mine are just shy of 8 weeks old right now.
  12. MandaE2015

    Calling All Buff Orpington Lovers!

    I would love to! Thanks so much! This is Puppy - my 9 week old Buff cockerel. He is such a baby and LOVES chest scratches and snuggles. ❤
  13. MandaE2015

    Buff Orps

    I'm glad the majority is thinking the same as me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I've never had buffs, but I hear they're great!
  14. MandaE2015

    Buff Orps

    I agree. That was my thought, too!
  15. MandaE2015

    Buff Orps

    These are my first buffs. I've gotten pretty good at visually sexing chicks early on, but these kids have me stumped. She told me they were supposed to be all roos, but I think they were actually straight run. And we have one more that is DEFINITELY a roo.
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