Recent content by Mandypr87

  1. Mandypr87

    Chickens stopped laying after one of them died

    So here is the situation. We have (had) 5 chickens, 2 EEs, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 1 Barred Rock. Recently the Barred Rock passed away out of no where. She was healthy and active before, then one morning we found her dead in the coop. Took her in for a necropsy. No trauma, no broken neck, not egg...
  2. Mandypr87

    Chickens won't stop squawking loudly for no apparent reason

    It could be "the egg song" which is a horrid noise a few of my chickens insist on making when they are about to lay, when another chicken is laying, or right after they lay. My one buff Orpington does this constantly. I truly think it's even when she sees another egg. It sounds like "cluck cluck...
  3. Mandypr87

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Thanks :) we were getting worried about the darker one because she seems smaller and has the brighter colors
  4. Mandypr87

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Ok they're older now. The only ones I'm worried about are the two Easter Eggers... Hoping both are female but the darker one looks male?
  5. Mandypr87

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Lol thanks! Yea when I use my phone for pictures they all want a closer look at my phone
  6. Mandypr87

    Sexing Easter Eggers

  7. Mandypr87

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    I don't know how you guys do it. I'm freaking out because we can't have roosters and I think one of my EEs is a male ..
  8. Mandypr87

    Getting wings clipped? Yes or no?

    2 Easter Eggers, 1 Barred Rock, and 2 Buff Orpingtons
  9. Mandypr87

    Getting wings clipped? Yes or no?

    I wanted to ask a quick chick question, do your chickens have their wings clipped? My dad brought it up and I just assumed adult chickens weren't good fliers and we have a 4 ft fence so it wouldn't be an issue. Should I look at getting their wings clipped? We're brand new chicken owners and I...
  10. Mandypr87

    MISSOURI ! ! !

    We're in Ellisville MO! St. Louis county area
  11. Mandypr87

    Hello from MO

    Thanks! She's an Easter egger and only 3 days old! I will definitely check out the learning center! Thanks a lot :)
  12. Mandypr87

    Hello from MO

    My husband and I just got our first backyard flock!! They are 3 days old today. 2 EEs, one Barred Rock, and 2 Buff Orpingtons
  13. Mandypr87

    cutest chicken names!

    We just named our chicks!! 1. Clover 2. Fluff 3. Queen Lapeepa (Queenie) 4. Mystery (if it ends up being a rooster Chanticleer) 5. Tabitha (Tabby)
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