Recent content by MarkY00

  1. MarkY00

    Coons or coyotes

    We have a raccoon problem. Yesterday, my wife found 4 to 6 (hard to count in the dark) raccoons taking up shelter in our chicken house. We built an 8 ft tall structure, enclosed in 1" poultry wire, top and sides, then roofed with corrugated metal pitched roof. She discovered that the recent...
  2. MarkY00

    Small coup in a big backyard

    We're trying our hand at raising chickens. (Still, or again) We're on our 4th flock (in as many years). The first one was gorgeous. Raise deck, hardy board enclosed. put a heat lamp too close to the hay nests and it burned to the ground, flock enclosed. We're city people and had to do some...
  3. MarkY00

    an exercise in PATIENCE!

    We started chicken and duck incubation about a month ago. The chickens came out fine, about a dozen, 1 a day early, then the rest kind of bunched together over a period of about a day. The ducks take a week longer. Once again, one duck came out 2 days early. Now the rest, 3 have pipped out of 7...
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