Recent content by mashwoman

  1. mashwoman

    Enlarged / Swollen Crop

    Hi,I am having the same issue with my silkie, Lena. Her crop is huge, like a water balloon. I have withheld food for 48 hours, given her clomtrimazole 3 times a day, started giving her a little egg, put probiotics in her water................. She feels fine, she is eating, she is pooping...
  2. mashwoman

    Rooster opening and closing his mouth, losing his appetite

    He seems more alert today. I added chicken vitamins to yogurt and lightly cooked egg, put it in the food processor then used a syringe to get it in his mouth. He wasn't opening and closing his mouth today, although he shakes his head now and again. Still weak, and not eating on his own...
  3. mashwoman

    Rooster opening and closing his mouth, losing his appetite

    Hello, my silkie Rooster, almost 3 years old, started acting weak on Saturday. He is opening and closing his mouth, and as of yesterday afternoon started to lose his appetite. We checked in his throat, and did not see gapeworms, his throat looked just fine. We used a syringe this morning and...
  4. mashwoman

    Blind chicken - can she manage?

    I, too, have a 2-year old little silkie girl, Iris, with the same symptoms, the neck twitching and sudden blindness. I think that she was bullied by the big hens and somehow hurt. Maybe nerve damage? Right now she is separated and recuperating in the garage. She is doing much better, seems...
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