Recent content by maske

  1. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I have hatched double yolkers 4 times and 1 time 1 lived and the other 3 both made it each time with lots of assistance
  2. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I had silkies not pip untilled day 21 and hatched on day 22 hope you see some pips soon
  3. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    SSorry that reply was for mamagigi
  4. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I had a chick hatch alive with the same thing on the outside like that and it was its intestines if you look real close to the sack you'll be able to see all the little intestines inside. Of course they can't live like that and I had to put idown
  5. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I agree with everyone else. I candled all 36 of my eggs on day 18 and see no movement was so scared none were alive all hatched except 3. Now I have baby chicks everywhere
  6. maske

    September Hatch-A-Long!

    were are you located I just had 32
  7. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    thank you I will try that
  8. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    this is the one I taped its legs and it's doing really good
  9. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    I had a silky born that cannot stand up. Don't know what to do seems like its in pain or really miserable its not sprayed let's probably I have one like that and I take the plagues and she's doing walking around eating and drinking this baby won't eat drink get up it just goes round in circles...
  10. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    its what the lady I bought my paints from calls extras. Its a surprise so she calls them parties lol
  11. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    OMG I have saremas popping like popcorn
  12. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    thank you I waited a bit and now they are getting along im just scared if I open bator I will have to assist over 20 chicks cause of the humidity. I have so many pips and of course some I cant see cause the chicks are nocking them around. I cant beleave how small this one is just a little bigger...
  13. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    thank you I waited a bit and now they are getting along im just scared if I open bator I will have to assist over 20 chicks cause of the humidity. I have so many pips and of course some I cant see cause the chicks are nocking them around. I cant beleave how small this one is just a little bigger...
  14. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    Need help the two Serema's that hatched this morning are already fluffed up and I have one more that hatch that's half the size they are and they're picking it real bad do I take them out put them in the brooder or will they be ok
  15. maske

    November/December "Hatch-a-Long"

    woke up this morning to two tiny serema chicks. Today is day 21 and I still have 5 blrw,5 Swedish flowers, 1 favorelle , 11 seremas,4 buff silkies,2 party silkies, and 7 paint silkies. so far have 2 seremas that hatched and 4 silkies 6 seremas and 1 Swedish flower that have pipped. so excited...
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