Recent content by mattyg85

  1. mattyg85

    goodbye martha.

    Our other bird Leah passed away in the night last night with the same illness as martha. RIP Leah
  2. mattyg85

    Clear plastic curtains/rollup shades for wind/rain protection of run?

    Plastic sheeting to protect from rain and snow during the coming winner
  3. Winter snow and rain cover

    Winter snow and rain cover

  4. mattyg85

    Preparing the coup for winter

    Added a rain/ snow cover for the coming winter
  5. Leah having a sun nap

    Leah having a sun nap

  6. Big Maude

    Big Maude

  7. growing feathers

    growing feathers

  8. spot the Tilley

    spot the Tilley

  9. Tiny Tilley

    Tiny Tilley

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