Recent content by mbodamer

  1. M

    Darkening comb, lethargic, no eating or drinking

    My hen passed away shortly after this post. I rushed her to the vet and they first thought upper respiratory infection, they said she had mucus in her nose. They put her in an O2 chamber and her comb got red and started to perk up so they were hopeful that is what it was and gave her a shot of...
  2. M

    Darkening comb, lethargic, no eating or drinking

    Hi I have a 3 year old Cinnamon Queen hen in with 9 others all same age all same accommodations, food, water, etc. They have an outdoor run that is dirt, and indoor/outdoor run that is dirt on top of cement, and the coop itself has fine wood shavings bedding. This morning I went to feed and I...
  3. M

    Major stress then no eggs

    I dont know the scientific spacing needed. But I have 12 (well now 11) hens and I have 5 feet of pipe under the coop with I think 8 nipples just eyeballed and placed on it. I never see more then 2 drinking at once and it seems (just like with nesting boxes) they all seem to gravitate towards...
  4. M

    Major stress then no eggs

    Oh that explains a lot. I thought they slowed down during winter but did not stop laying. Last year I went from about 12 a day to about 5-6 so I was expecting the same this time. Good to learn and now know that its normal for it to stop in winter. Also here is part of my setup. The...
  5. M

    Major stress then no eggs

    Hello, This is a very sad story but a very valuable lesson I learned. So I have had my chickens for almost 2 years now. I built an automatic watering system for them which consisted of a 55 gallon drum in the rafters of the coop roof and a pvc pipe that comes down and goes to horizontal...
  6. M

    Butt picking

    There are 8 hens with perfectly fine rear ends. Originally I had "stadium" style roosting bars but when this issue began I removed all the low bars and made them all the same height thinking that the lower roosting hens were picking at the higher ones. I watch the cam at night, although not...
  7. M

    Butt picking

    Thank you I will pick some up tomorrow at Tractor supply.
  8. M

    Butt picking

    Thanks that is helpful. I am feeding them the same diet ever since they switched from chick to layer I fed the nature's organic I think it's called from tractor supply. I have a free access dish of oyster shell and I toss in a handful of grains and on occasion meal worms. But perhaps not...
  9. M

    Butt picking

    Yeah I already have a wyze cam setup and I do not see anything. It's very frustrating.
  10. M

    Butt picking

    Thanks for your reply in definitely not poop butt. The 4 affected are nice and clean and I have one Easter egger that has chronic poop butt that's feathers intact.
  11. M

    Butt picking

    Hello I have 12 chickens that I got all at exactly the same time they are all exactly the same age. 6 cinnimon queens, 3 barred rock, 3 Easter eggers. They are all 18 months. A few months ago I noticed one chicken had a raw butt. I quarantined it and the feathers slowly began to grow back...
  12. M

    Re-introduce chickens after separation

    Thanks everyone for your replies. And to answer some of the questions. yes they are all hens. They all grew up together and without conflict until i kept them in the caged run for a few days which seemed to spark this. I havent left that caged run door open when I am not home in case they...
  13. M

    Re-introduce chickens after separation

    Hello, I purchased 12 chicks last February. They all grew up together and got along fine. I have a 8x20' caged run that they chill out in and I open the door to a grassed area that is 40x40'. The outside run area was just setup with cheap wire mesh on the pound in green garden stakes as a...
  14. M

    Red bottom no feathers

    I have not seen any sign of critters on her. On day one I noticed some father loss. Say two was some redness and day three some sores. I have moved her to sick bay because I am pretty sure someone is picking on ger. Last night there was no sores and this morning there were some so someone...
  15. M

    Red bottom no feathers

    Guess I should have indicated all my girls are only 10 months so I was told they won't molt until next year. How do I check for mites or lice and would that only affect one hen?
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