Recent content by McHenry1947

  1. McHenry1947

    No Sugestions --- Black Rosecomb

    I'm 35 mi. east of Mountain Home. Can't seem to get a suggestion ...........
  2. McHenry1947

    No Sugestions --- Black Rosecomb

    I have 4 black pullets and 2 roosters. My roosters are very common, I would like to re-place the roosters with a good SQ if it don't break the bank. Can somebody point me in the direction to find one. Somebody give me a price range what a good one should cost. And a good reputable breeder that...
  3. McHenry1947

    Rosecomb Thread

    I have 4 black pullets and 2 roosters. My roosters are very common, I would like to re-place the roosters with a good SQ if it don't break the bank. Can somebody point me in the direction to find one. Somebody give me a price range what a good one should cost. And a good reputable breeder that...
  4. McHenry1947

    Best Meat

    Thanks........... Keith
  5. McHenry1947

    Best Meat

    Which quail is preferred to eat, Jumbo Coturnix or Bob Whites.
  6. McHenry1947

    Dutch Bantams didn't hatch What's wrong?

    What has that got to do with why only 25% to 81% hatched in the same Bator. Sure they hatched on the 19th day but the temp and humidity was the same on both at hatch time. Keith
  7. McHenry1947

    Dutch Bantams didn't hatch What's wrong?

    Nobody has answered the question! I am also interested in this, I put 36 bantam eggs in the bator with 58 barred rocks, hatched 25% bantams and 81% barred rocks. I would like to know what the difference is. Keith
  8. McHenry1947

    Why isint there any Wild Bobwhites anymore?? Darn!!!

    Wild Turkeys are the worst thing I know of. One hen can get the whole covey of quail.
  9. McHenry1947

    Question about homemade cabinet style incubator fans? The only thing I did different was put two 2' pvc's with two 2" fans in each back corner. Hope this helps
  10. McHenry1947

    Question about homemade cabinet style incubator fans?

    I put a false floor in mine and duct it from top to bottom, two 2" pvc pipes with two 2" pc fans Made several holes for heat to move up through. It has two shelves that hold 64 eggs each. Have the ladder type manual turner. When I go into lock down I remove turner and insert Hatching trays...
  11. McHenry1947

    best and worst times of year to hatch

    The old timers thought that by hatching early spring they could start laying eggs before winter. It gave them a better chance for winter eggs.
  12. McHenry1947

    help-problem maintaining proper temp

    Probably if the heat was just rising the inside of the egg had not reached that temp. In other words it will take longer for the egg to heat. Should be OK. Keith
  13. McHenry1947

    What is everybody useing

    What is the thermostat of choice in homemade incubators? I'm having trouble with mine and want something simple and reliable. Keith
  14. McHenry1947

    Does any one have plans for a cabinet style incubator? It is 36" tall X 24" wide X 24" deep it has 2 trays that I have 64 barred rocks in each tray. I put a 2" PVC in both back corners to move heat to the floor. It holds temp. well. I also bought a DP1000 Temp controller for...
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