Recent content by Mcubero

  1. Mcubero

    Best incubator for Peafowl eggs under $500

    Thanks for your info. It sure is a good referal for the Brinsea. In the past, I did great with my Lyon TX6 hatching pheasants, chicken, ducks etc. But I do not know what is going now with my peafowl eggs. I will look into the Brinsea. This is the first time I hear about them. Thanks...
  2. Mcubero

    Dead Embryos

    Kathy, The experience that you mention, with humidity at 45% is with peafowl eggs or chicken eggs ?
  3. Mcubero

    Dead Embryos

    I placed some of the eggs of the same peahen under a regular hen and had a 70% hatching success .
  4. Mcubero

    Dead Embryos

    The Hovabator does not have a Fan but the Lyon does have a fan. The few chicks that hatched were week and needed help to crack open the egg shell. They had to be pulled out. I believe the others died because they were not stong enough to open the egg. Thanks, Mario
  5. Mcubero

    Dead Embryos

    Hi, Yes I used 99.5 Degrees and a humidity of about 55%. After the 26th day, temp was lowered to 98 and humidity raised to 60% I tried on two different incubators. A hovabator with automatic turner and on a Lyon TX-6 autoturn, and the results were almost as bad ( Hovabator was worst than LYon)...
  6. Mcubero

    Best incubator for Peafowl eggs under $500

    I want to buy an affordable reasonable effective incubator for my peafowl eggs. I would appreciate any suggestion on which one to buy and would be great to hear success stories. Thanks, Mario
  7. Mcubero

    Dead Embryos

    Hi, I would appreciate if someone could help me solve the problem I have hatching peachicks. I have placed more than 30 eggs on a Lyon TX6 auto rotating incubator and have been able to hatch only about 6 chicks. Most of them die as a fully develop embryo. After more than 30 days in the...
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