Recent content by Mdacta

  1. Mdacta

    Older Hens attacking chicks

    Once around the same size will they stop?
  2. Mdacta

    Older Hens attacking chicks

    I think their about 10 weeks old maybe 8 no less. They have a baby pool of water and then another of chick feed and scratch feed. The chicks were in another area and the white ones seemed interested so once they got big enough and they all seemed interested we put them together but now there is...
  3. Mdacta


    We have 3 adults hens and 4 chicks. We have 2 adult leghorns and 1 adult Rhode Island red. 2 baby Rhodes and 2 sexlinks. Here for advice and to learn. Thanks!
  4. Mdacta

    Older Hens attacking chicks

    I have 2 adult leghorns and 1 Rhode island red. I have 2 Rhode Island chick and 2 red sexlinks. They leghorns keep pecking at the chicks. They don't share food or water. I'm not sure what to do. They have a large enclosure they share. Thanks for helping.
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