Recent content by mdm61

  1. mdm61

    Sick hen

    I read that exact article earlier. I will give closer examination in morning after she has rested alone tonight. She appears fine other than when she tries to stand she wobbles some. Green runny stool with some white ash colored mixed in. Thanks.
  2. mdm61

    Sick hen

    All I could find locally was sav a chick electrolytes which she drinks very well and is now eating also, liquid b-12...2cc by mouth. I have an antibiotic terra vet 10 soluble but haven't administered it yet....thoughts?
  3. mdm61

    Sick hen

    She has developed little black spots on comb and wattles. She walks on her hind legs instead of upright on her feet. Head up and alert, just not moving.
  4. mdm61

    Sick hen

    Headed to town, any miracle drug to buy at farm store?
  5. mdm61

    Sick hen

    I can post pic later today. She has moved under a cedar tree legs under like normal, head upright but tucked in. I will put her in her own pen and see if she eats/drinks.
  6. mdm61

    Sick hen

    My one year old Wyandotte just lays on the ground, head up and let's me pick her up. Normal is to run away. She is not egg bound...what to do? My first experience with raising chickens.
  7. mdm61

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Built from scrap lumber.
  8. mdm61

    Built from scratch

    Here are pics of my coop built using lumber laying around my farm. I have tried to make it bomb proof living around coyotes, bobcats, skunks, coons etc. Hot wire top and bottom, buried chicken wire to prevent digging under, overhead natural tree cover and my favorite, an automatic door from...
  9. mdm61

    Sick hen

    I have a hen that is starting to show blood. I have one Roo and four hens. What to do with injury??
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