Recent content by Mecom47

  1. Mecom47

    New Baby Chicks!

    Here is a pic if the other one at the water
  2. Mecom47

    New Baby Chicks!

  3. Mecom47

    New Baby Chicks!

  4. Mecom47

    New Baby Chicks!

    I just got my baby chick three days ago I'm a noobie but I think I have a hang of it I got 10 of them
  5. Mecom47

    Do baby chicks sleep with their heads on the floor?

    I find it normal i have 10 baby chicks here now all of 2-4 days old and it scared the bajeuses out of me when I seen it on the ground stretched out but yes It is normal ( sometimes they will stick there beaks down to its cute)
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