Recent content by melehe24

  1. melehe24

    Hen or rooster

    Thank you all so much! I really appreciate the help!
  2. melehe24

    Hen or rooster

    I'm a newbie to the chicken world and can't tell if this is a rooster or a hen. The back tail feathers are long like a roosters. But the comb is small and actually almost looks deformed like it's smashed on his/her head. Also, in the morning I have heard crowing coming from the coop, but I don't...
  3. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    Thank you for this info. Definitely something for us to think about. We would be devastated if he died. :(
  4. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    It is possible that he is just being a "hormonal teenager". What looks to me like really aggressive behavior could very well by typical rooster behavior.
  5. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    Thank you, I appreciate your input :)
  6. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    That is what I was trying to figure out also. I thought we had our square footage pretty close, but we did take in 3 chickens recently that needed a home immediately, so we will proabably be expanding.
  7. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    I will definitely not have him killed. We have had him since he was two days old and couldn't bear to think of him being killed.
  8. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    My daughter is 12; she would be upset if we have to rehome, but luckily she is also mature enough to understand that whatever route we take it will be in the best interest of the rooster. I like the idea of pulling him for a few months and seeing how he does once returning to the flock. Our...
  9. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    Run is 8x16, hubby just corrected me.
  10. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    Thank you for the welcome :) I do not want chicken babies, so I think he is going to get his own coop and run. I feel guilt over that though because he will be separate from the others. I will definitely put it by the gals though, so he can see them.
  11. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    It is a 10x7 run that opens up from their coop, which is 8x8.
  12. melehe24

    New chicken owner with a rooster

    I have 17 hens and one accidental rooster. I thought I had all hens when they were chicks, but the barred rock turned out to be a rooster. He seems to be a little aggressive now toward the girls, but not toward us. My naked neck hen has an injury and I think he may have been the one to do it. My...
  13. melehe24

    Why do people leave their dogs loose???

    Thank you so much for the welcome! I am glad to have found this forum.
  14. melehe24

    Why do people leave their dogs loose???

    I'm sorry you are dealing with this issue. It is definitely a frustrating thing to go through. I recently had to have a talk with my neighbor, who was letting her dog roam over to our yard while my chickens were free ranging. It was awkward and uncomfortable but had to be done for the safety of...
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