Recent content by memiller123

  1. memiller123

    The Australian Shepherd Club

    Jack is beautiful!
  2. memiller123

    Should I get another rooster?

    First of all, I would recommend to NEVER get a RIR rooster if you have a small child. They are well-known for being aggressive. But any rooster can be aggressive, especially around children. My Americauna rooster was getting very aggressive with us and I was worried about my 5 year old son...
  3. memiller123

    How many chickens do we all have? 60,083 and counting.

    62,194 - 5 = 62,189 (Gave away 4 hens and one rooster to a non-BYC member)
  4. memiller123

    My roo died. Any ideas?

    Thanks for the responses. I guess his heart just gave out. Poor feller.
  5. memiller123

    My roo died. Any ideas?

    My 6 month old BO roo just laid down in the yard today and died. No sign of injury. No symptoms of any disease. All the other chickens are fine. He had been eating, crowing, mating, and had lots of energy just an hour or so before. Has access to plenty of shelter from the heat, water, and...
  6. memiller123

    What little things make you happy?

    ~~~my chickens running toward me looking for a treat ~~~when my son curls up with me and says "I love you Mommy!" ~~~Having the Lord in my heart ~~~a fresh tomato sandwich ~~~another fresh tomato sandwich ~~~homemade ice cream ~~~a hot bath ~~~one more fresh tomato sandwich
  7. memiller123

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No. HYE eaten play dough?
  8. memiller123

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No. HYE understood your teenage daughter?
  9. memiller123

    Cocci been very bad on others this year?

    I'm from VA and the wet conditions I think made it a great place for Cocci. It hit our chicks hard and we lost several and of the ones that survived, a few have stunted growth. I feel for you. Cocci is a super fast killer.
  10. memiller123

    Why would a mother hen try to kill her newly hatched chick???

    My SS became broody a few months ago, so I got 4 fertilized egg from my sister-in-law. Three of those eggs developed. One hatched but my SS started to peck at it and injured it. I removed the chick and I think she will be ok. My SS is really tame, she has been great with the eggs, carefully...
  11. memiller123

    How many chickens do we all have? 60,083 and counting.

    60,890 + 1 = 60,891 I had a little chick born yesterday. She is injured (mama hen tried to kill her!), but I think she will be ok.
  12. memiller123

    How many chickens do we all have? 60,083 and counting.

    60,841 - 2 = 60,839 My dog killed our SS hen because he was jealous of us holding her and then the next day he accidently killed our Golden Comet hen.
  13. memiller123

    Hello Everyone, I just ordered 25 chicks!

    Welcome from Virginia!! WARNING: chickens are addictive. I started out with 6 and now I have 28. You may start with only a few, but you will end up with more and more until your family puts you in chicken rehab.
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