Recent content by mewantseggs

  1. mewantseggs

    Setting eggs today 4/1/12 Anyone else?

    I have about 20 eggs I want to incubate, but am in need of some consultation. I was told that I should wait until I have had my eggs three days before putting them in an incubator. Ever hear of this before? Is it true? And if so, why do you have to wait? I had a Chantecler and they are very...
  2. mewantseggs


    That was a good article. I didn't realize there were so many ways to store eggs although ultimately, there is only one. Thanks for your replies, they were much appreciated.
  3. mewantseggs


    Didn't know where to post this question, but after your hen has laid an egg, do you need to let it cool, or straight to the fridge? Eggs are for eatin right now.
  4. mewantseggs

    Canadian Breeder list

    Quote: I think it may be simply a shortage of newfies, but I seem to have a website for you. I haven't been all through it so I do not know the quality nor content as its been a while since I have visited it. Lets face it, it would cost me a small fortune to buy chicks from Newfoundland...
  5. mewantseggs

    Canadian Breeder list

    Here is a website that some east coasters may be interested in. It seems to be very new and not very active, but the more maritimers that get on board, the better. Also, NS Purebred Poultry Association Coming Up - Nova Scotia Purebred Poultry...
  6. mewantseggs

    CANADIANS Looking to buy hatching eggs, must be in Canada!

    I know this is an old post, but is there anyplace in Canada to buy hatching eggs? I am looking too.
  7. mewantseggs

    Should I switch to layer feed?

    Thanks for the help. I bought them layer food today.
  8. mewantseggs

    Should I switch to layer feed?

    What about the roos? Can they eat layer too or will I have to separate them?
  9. mewantseggs

    Interior Coop Pics

    Now for the interior. Just so everyone knows I am new to this and just making things up as I go. Here's a good use for an old hockey stick. You can see one nesting box on the right. The box juts out into the barn to save floor space. I need a piece of belting down inside the box then add...
  10. mewantseggs

    Interior Coop Pics

    First of all here is my coop. Construction cost less than $100. Most wood was free. We only had meat birds for three years then decided to expand the coop and raise some layers and roosters I guess. Straight run of nine chickens and we ended up with six cockerels and three pullets. Ended up...
  11. mewantseggs

    Well.........Here it is.

    Wow, great job on your coop. Looks Awesome!!
  12. mewantseggs

    Coop almost finished but what about the floor?

    For the floor inside my coop, I tracked down some rubber topped conveyor belting and nailed that down. It was hard to cut perfect, but when I want to clean the floor I can put water/javex down and not worry about getting the wood wet and rotting. Also when it comes time to clean the floor the...
  13. mewantseggs

    Toast or Bread With Jam

    Can I feed bread or toast with jam to my chickens? I know they love bread, but will all the sugar in the jam screw them up or make them unhealthy? My kids don't always eat all their sandwich or toast, the chickens seem like a great place for the leftovers.
  14. mewantseggs

    Can roosters co-exist with each other?

    So the roosters will be ok cooped up together? I could handle that, keeping them separated from the hens. Should I have a non see through divider between the roosters and hens?
  15. mewantseggs

    Can roosters co-exist with each other?

    I currently have five cockerels (2 RIR's, 1 Black Australorp, 1 Americauna, and 1 Buff Orpington), and four pullets (2 RIR's, 1 Black Australorp, 1 Chantecler). Can all these chickens share the same coop as they get bigger? They live in a coop with 72 sq.ft. of floor space, and I would hate to...
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