Recent content by Michael's Coop

  1. Michael's Coop

    hen laying eggs, breaking one end on coop floor

    thanks for all your help everyone! i'm gonna tack an old towel in it and then line that with shavings.
  2. Michael's Coop

    hen laying eggs, breaking one end on coop floor

    my hen made herself a little nest and when she lays, the egg smacks the floor of the nest box and cracks. it's causing ants. how can i fix this safely? maybe i can tack a cloth or a towel in there? any advice is appreciated!
  3. Michael's Coop

    Look At My Girl!

    that'd be the joke, yeah.
  4. Michael's Coop

    Look At My Girl!

    She is a Vision of Beauty.
  5. Michael's Coop

    eyyy new account

    i know they do, we used to have a few when i was little and i'm so excited to get more sometime soon~
  6. Michael's Coop

    eyyy new account

    Intro time. I've been on here before, but i use a new email now, and I've also got a new hen. I'm looking to get more of them, but for now I've got a single barred rock hen. Eventually, I want an easter egger, an australorp, and a brahma. I'm also getting into birdkeeping and considering rats...
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