Recent content by Mick or Mick

  1. Mick or Mick

    Cast of Mean Girls in my coop

    I have three hens and until molt this Fall they have gotten along fine. Two are 2.5 years old and the third is 1.5. This was the first year the younger one molted and it seems to have changed the dynamic in the flock. During the molt she seemed pretty miserable but I wasn't concerned. I...
  2. Mick or Mick

    I think my hen is a rooster - opinions, please

    Dang it. Thanks, all! Appreciate the expertise.
  3. Mick or Mick

    I think my hen is a rooster - opinions, please

    I have a mutt hen that I received about a month ago. He/she is now almost 4 months old. I'm starting to think this hen is a rooster. Can anyone tell by these pictures? There has been no crowing yet, thank goodness. Possible spur development That tail is looking suspicious...
  4. Mick or Mick

    Bully hen

    So I may be doing it backward. I thought I should take Esther Jean out of the equation, let the newbies get more confident, and then bring her back in. That's what I would do with cats, but maybe that's not right for chickens. Thanks, Goldies. Anyone else?
  5. Mick or Mick

    Bully hen

    I recently added two 3 month old chicks to my flock of two 1 year old hens, and I have a bully problem. My older hens are Buff Orpingtons and have been together since hatching. Esther Jean is the top hen, but she rarely shows it. The two newbies are from the same farm, but they are mutts...
  6. Mick or Mick

    Morning Noises

    I am having this exact problem. I even created an account just to post about this so I could get some advice. I have found, just in the last 2 days, that covering their windows to not allow light in until I want to let them out helps tremendously. A few days ago they were waking me up before 6...
  7. Mick or Mick

    My chickens are driving me crazy!

    I may have a solution. I gave them their treat last night but they still started making a racket at 5:55 AM this morning. So I stumbled out to the coop and threw a blanket over the side with the window. I wanted to just muffle the noise, but they were actually silent for another 2 hours. I guess...
  8. Mick or Mick

    My chickens are driving me crazy!

    Thanks, all. Yes, these chickens are definitely the boss. I will try the treats at night thing and see if I can break them. I appreciate the idea and will keep you informed. Stay tuned!
  9. Mick or Mick

    My chickens are driving me crazy!

    Thanks for the quick responses. I should have mentioned in my original post that their feeder is in the coop so they have access to it at all times. It's a gravity feeder and I make sure it's full every day. So I don't think they're hungry. I think they just prefer snacks. I had been thinking...
  10. Mick or Mick

    My chickens are driving me crazy!

    I am a long time lurker but today I decided to create an account and ask for some advice. Some background: I have 2 Buff Orps, about 1.5 years old. I have had them for 1 year. Their coop is at least 6x6 feet - I just expanded it in late April with idea of getting more hens. Their run is 16x16...
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