Recent content by MidnightMaran

  1. MidnightMaran

    Ok what breed is he ??

    Definitely blue birchen Maran. He’s really pretty!
  2. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    Luna died in her sleep this afternoon. :( Poor thing was in pain, I’m pretty relieved she died peacefully
  3. MidnightMaran

    Easter Egger Hen...or No?

    Possibly, although I once had a pair of Easter Egger “hens” who grew up looking really similar and I thought they were both boys, but it turned out to be one pullet and one cockerel!
  4. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    Ok. I’m putting her in the coop for bed tonight. I’m holding on to the hope she’ll be better tomorrow, but I just don’t know. Thank you.
  5. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    She was a lot calmer tonight, so I checked for a bound egg and couldn’t find anything. I don’t know what else this could be, but I don’t think she’ll survive. I’m going to wait on her for tonight, then we’ll see in the morning. Thanks for all the help.
  6. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    Ill get more of the calcium at the store tomorrow.
  7. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    It looks like she passed a bit of white liquid sometime this morning. We don’t have calcium supplements or Tums. Should I cook the egg yolk before I give it to her?
  8. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    I don’t know of any livestock vets in our area, but I’ve asked a couple friends with chickens. One actually referred me to here lol. Until last winter, none of them had ever had laying problems before, but we got a few soft-shelled eggs, so I gave them an additional calcium supplement with their...
  9. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    She hasn’t been laying like she used to for several months, but I just attributed that to her age. Last year we had an extremely cold winter and got almost no eggs, and it never really picked up to where it was before. I’d say shes laying about 1 a week, but it’s hard to tell because all the...
  10. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    This morning she was in the same state. She drank and ate some yogurt but didn’t touch her food. I still believe she could be egg bound, so I’m going to give her another epsom salt bath today. How much more should this chicken humanely stand? She’s a survivor and is currently our only remaining...
  11. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    Her crop is empty, but she ate some yogurt a little while ago. She pecked the food a couple times, but it’s clear she isn’t eating much. I’m worried she might be egg bound, as she shows all the symptoms, but I can’t see anything at the surface of her vent, and it seemed that inspecting it...
  12. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    My six year old hen is sick. She hasn’t been laying many eggs for a couple years, and yesterday I noticed her puffed up in egg laying position in our backyard/free ranging area, so I kept an eye on her because she wasn’t laying in the nesting box, which she hasn’t had much trouble with in the...
  13. MidnightMaran

    You're chicken crazy when.....

    Seriously, this is awesome! Great thinking! Thanks for creating such a fun thread!
  14. MidnightMaran

    You're chicken crazy when.....

    When you sing them to sleep and furiously search the internet for chicken sweater patterns when they're molting
  15. MidnightMaran

    You're chicken crazy when.....

    That's really sweet!
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