Recent content by mimi14

  1. mimi14

    Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

    8 weeks old pullet or roo?
  2. mimi14

    Partridge Silkies - Nothing else

    Can anyone help me here, no one will answer my post on another silkie thread, I know its early and silkies are hard to sex early but I would like to know, I have to many roosters. My silkies are almost 8 weeks. After taking the close up of the black one I noticed waddles, partridge has no...
  3. mimi14

    Silkie thread!

    No red mostly golden I will keep an eye on the red to see if its coming through in the next coupld of weeks!
  4. mimi14

    Silkie thread!

    This is my other 71/2 week old silkie I am questioning sex? After uploading picture I noticed the waddles. Any opinions!!
  5. mimi14

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    Yeah!!! Thanks for your input!
  6. mimi14

    Silkie thread!

    Can anyone tell me if my 71/2 week old partridge silkie is a roo or pullet by this pictures? I am hoping a pullet but fearing not.
  7. mimi14

    Silkie thread!

    Can anyone tell me if my 71/2 week old partridge silkie is a roo or pullet by this pictures? I am hoping a pullet but fearing not.
  8. mimi14

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    [/IMG] Is my 7 1/2 week silver lace a roo? Her name is Tess might have to change it!
  9. mimi14

    Brahma Thread

    sorry for the double post!
  10. mimi14

    Brahma Thread

    Thanks Tim, I was just hoping it was a noicey pullet, but in my heart have known that its a roo for several weeks because of that comb and then the waddles came in. I just sold my Cuckoo Marans roo yesterday and wonder if that put my Brahma as head roo so he decided to crow about it! Thanks...
  11. mimi14

    Brahma Thread

    Thanks Tim, I was just hoping it was a noicey pullet, but in my heart have known that its a roo for several weeks because of that comb and then the waddles came in. I just sold my Cuckoo Marans roo yesterday and wonder if that put my Brahma as head roo so he decided to crow about it! Thanks...
  12. mimi14

    Brahma Thread

    Here are the pictures of them. The chick on the left is the one in question and is the one that crowed. The one on the right is the same age. Not sure why the pictures come over so small but and suggestions or advice on if I have a little roo would be appreciated.
  13. mimi14

    Brahma Thread

    I have a buff brahma bantam 71/2 weeks old, I have been questioning if it is a roo or not. He got his comb early and it turned red and then his waddles came in. This morning I went out and it was crowing, is that possible at this age? What do you think roo or a noicey pullet Pictures will not...
  14. mimi14

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    This is an updated picture of the chick I was doubting if it was a Welsummer. It is looking more like one now, what do you think?
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