Recent content by miniegg

  1. miniegg

    Day 22 - how could all of them be dead?

    Ahh cute, couldn't get myself to come on here since the last hatch was a disaster... My only little fella died. I'm in lockdown on hatch no.2 and hoping for success, but took a risk with a dry hatch as the lady I got my first eggs and a few hens from had so much success this way. Hope your...
  2. miniegg

    Day 23, one egg just wobbled!!!

    Here I am again, 3 weeks on... waiting for my new hatch!! I was so upset with the last lot, I so hope I get some joy this time. I did dry hatch til lockdown, because the lady I got my first eggs and a few chickens from said it always works for her... Who knows? If no success this time I'll go...
  3. miniegg

    Hatchalong! Setting Eggs April 6, 2012. Anyone else in?

    I hope you don't mind me joining so late. My last hatch (first ever) was a disaster, 7 out of 10 left in the bator. One started to peep and died at day 24, I was so upset. I've hardly been on here since. Set 13, unlucky number but that was the number that fit... discarded 4 early on...
  4. miniegg

    Day 23, one egg just wobbled!!!

    Hi, I had one pip yesterday afternoon and did a pretty good job of zipping half way around the egg. He was still alive when I went to bed last night. I was worried about him though. I've read quite a lot about people helping so thought I would do this if there was no further movement this...
  5. miniegg

    Day 22 - how could all of them be dead?

    Any more chicks mamahen? I have one pipped and zipping round the egg. He seems lively enough, I just hope he makes it okay. I don't want to interfere and risk losing him.... Nothing from the rest. I upped humidity and the temp a bit... mine's a preset inci. I bought a dual thermo/hygro...
  6. miniegg

    I think all my eggs are dead!

    Yeh, i'll be trying again on Saturday to, maybe sooner. I did the float test on a few of mine last night and there were signs of life in 2/3, but still nothing today and it's day 24 now. No movement at all back in the inci, so I'm not hopeful. I don't think I can bring myself to chuck them...
  7. miniegg

    Day 22 - how could all of them be dead?

    Well I just did the float test on 3 of mine and candled them, 2 were lively as anything, the other floated.... I left the rest and put them back in the inci quickly. I couldn't tell if they'd pipped internally, there was still an air pocket at the end but I could see a shadow in 1, I just...
  8. miniegg

    I think all my eggs are dead!

    I'm in the same situation, mine should have hatched on Saturday though (although it was late saturday when I put them in, so more or less in same position as you). My inci is preset temp that can be adjusted a little if not correct & you just fill a bowl and keep it topped for humidity. So, my...
  9. miniegg

    Day 22 - how could all of them be dead?

    I'm happy for you, well done. I've been reading a lot, I'm on day 23 and not a peep, one egg was rocking a little bit this morning. I thought maybe it was my imagination at first but then the movement was much more pronounced.... but nothing since, that one's also stopped moving. It's my...
  10. miniegg

    Day 23, one egg just wobbled!!!

    Just had a thought.... I remember having to adjust the temperature upwards in the first few days of incubation. I don't remember exactly when it was but it was in the first few days. It's been fine ever since. I just hope it delayed the hatch a bit, gives me some hope then!!
  11. miniegg

    Day 23, one egg just wobbled!!!

    This is my first time attempting a hatch. I'm on day 23 and there has been no sign of any movement at all. But I just had a look and saw 1 egg wobble a little. I hadn't touched the inci since lockdown, until this morning when I was worried about humidity as my house is really dry. I popped...
  12. miniegg

    Help!! Fox attack on Sunday... injured leg....

    Hi, thanks for your post. Yes the nerve could have been bruised, but for that to happen I'd have expected some cuts on that side and there were none. I'm convinced it was a stroke from shock now, but will never know. I'm just so glad she's recovering. I still let her near the others if only...
  13. miniegg

    Help!! Fox attack on Sunday... injured leg....

    Just a note for anyone who reads this post. I was convinced after a few days that my chicken must have suffered some sort of nerve damage or stroke as she seemed to be paralysed... I'm now almost certain it was a stroke. We're 3 weeks on. I persevered, put her in a sling for a few hours each day...
  14. miniegg

    Help!! Fox attack on Sunday... injured leg....

    Hi, Thanks for the responses, I'll have a good feel of her later... It does feel a little loose on her knee/elbow joint (not sure what it's called really)... but not realy dissimilar to the other side. I don't think it's shock, she's responsive as she feeds and trys to move but can't stand...
  15. miniegg

    Help!! Fox attack on Sunday... injured leg....

    Hi I hope someone can help me, I'm new to the forum but I browse regularly for advice. I can't find a match for my current problem. I had 7 chickens free-ranging until Sunday. I arrived way before dark to put my girls and cockerel to bed and found 2 girls dead, 1 injured and the cockerel...
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